Chapter twenty one

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As the sun climbed over the horizon, Tangletuft felt soft rays peer at her white fur. She let out a yawn, dazed by the whole night of standing in silence.
At least now she was officially a warrior. Now she was all grown up and could do whatever she wanted. The power felt extremely overwhelming.
It was sunrise, they could leave now. Tangletuft nodded in courtesy to her littermates before padding the opposite direction into camp.

At first, she padded towards the apprentices' bedding, old habits getting to her. She then turned in a different direction towards the warriors' bedding, and sat in an empty spot near the walls of the camp.

Hey eyes began to close, the last thing she saw was Rustlestep padding up to Silverblaze, their tails began to intwine.


Tangletuft's eyes shot open, and she found herself in the moor. A rabbit fled on the edge of the clearing and Tangletuft had to hold back to urge to chase it.

What held her back was the fact that this wasn't the moor in WindClan. It was a moor she'd never seen before.
This moor was smaller than hers back home, and the grasses were shorter. The sun shined brighter, and it was warmer.

Suddenly, Tangletuft felt a tail pad on her shoulder. She spun on her heels and gasped at the cat she saw.

Although she didn't know who this cat was, its fur was popping at weird angles, and leaves stuck in his fur just as much as the stars did.

"I-Is this StarClan?" Tangletuft asked, looking around herself.

The cat just calmly nodded "Yes it is."

"What's your name?" Tangletuft asked, focusing her green eyes now on the tom.

"Dewblaze," Dewblaze paused, shaking his leaf filled fur "And you must be Tangletuft. I've been waiting for you since before you were born."

"What?" Tangletuft tilted her head "Explain please?"

"Many moons ago before you were born, Rabbitfoot, Rabbitpaw at the time, and myself went to the moonpool. That night I received a prophecy from StarClan. It said "Like lightning, a cat will strike through the forest. But as lightning seems powerful, it disappears when the storm ends". At first I thought it was about Rabbitpaw, but then I knew it couldn't be him. Then I began to think it'd be his apprentice. I was so sure that it must've been that so I told Rabbitpaw and since then, he has been on a quest for an apprentice," Dewblaze paused, taking in a breath "Little did we know. It wasn't his apprentice. It was you."

"Me?" Tangletuft gasped in disbelief "But I can't be. I'm not special."

Dewblaze nodded "Yes you are. You'll see."

Tangletuft's heartbeat quickened "Wh-what do I have to face?"

Dewblaze just gave out a tiny laugh "Many things actually. But... I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Tangletuft quickly asked, her eyes opening wider.

"Because you have to wake up." Dewblaze meowed and the world melted.

Before she knew it, her eyes opened and she was back in camp. The setting sun felt warm on her pelt. A distant whimper sounded and Tangletuft raised to her paws. The nursery? But why?

Tangletuft raced towards the nursery. The only cat in there was Silverblaze.
She stuck her head in the den. Smack dab in the middle of the den lay Silverblaze, laying down on her side and panting. She was alone in the den.
Tangletuft ran up to Silverblaze and sniffed her up and down "Are you okay?" She asked, pawing the she-cat's swollen belly.

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