Chapter twenty six

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Hey guys sorry for taking forever... I went to my grandpa's funeral and was really close with my family for support, but I'm okay now so I hope you like this chapter uhh yeah.



"Tangletuft I need to talk to you," Rabbitfoot mentioned quietly, putting his leftover fresh-kill back on the mound before looking up and into Tangletuft's green orbs.

And she looked into his amber ones as she replied "What is it?" She asked, getting up from where she sat by herself in a patch of shade. What could this stupid cat want with me? She asked herself bitterly, pushing away the harsh thought.

"Come over here." Rabbitfoot motioned with his tail towards outside of camp.

Foxgaze and Mudheart sat beside each other and looked up as Rabbitfoot spoke and the two exchanged curious glances. Their eyes speaking and their faces lighting up, as if a tiny spark of light drew in their heads.

Tangletuft ignored the two as she let in a gulp What does he want? She thought Hopefully it isn't about... She trailed off, thinking about possible ways of how the situation could occur.

But reluctantly she gave up with her curious mind and padded with Rabbitfoot, her heart racing.

As the two cats passed, Tangletuft watched the tall grass sweeping across the clearing and the warm sun shining onto the moor, making the fields glow in a nice green tone. It was officially Newleaf.

"So," Rabbitfoot meowed, padding next to her with his small strides "I've seen you've been pretty alone lately."

"Why does that matter?" She snapped, her heartbeat not slowing down "It's not like they lied to me my whole life or anything."

Rabbitfoot let out a long sigh, and it felt like it lasted for moons but in reality, it probably only lasted a few moments "Soon enough you'll have to forgive those cats. You need them."

Tangletuft paused, thinking before she let out a mocking laugh "Need them? I've done pretty good in the last half moon by myself. I don't need any other cats."

"Yes you do," Rabbitfoot carefully cut back, obviously choosing his words carefully "You need them. You need your littermates, your friends and especially Snowblaze."

Tangletuft expected anger to bubble in her veins but instead she felt hot and embarrassed and her pale face flushed "No he doesn't," She denied, looking away towards the open moor.

"You know you need him. This last half moon you haven't been yourself. You've barely eaten and also barely have had any sleep." Rabbitfoot pointed out, gesturing closer to her.

"Well maybe I am being who I am... I just changed who I was." Tangletuft murmured and memories began fading into her head. Mostly of her and Snowblaze and the laughs they shared. But then Rabbitfoot cut in.

"Well I think you aren't being yourself. When you're with Snowblaze your eyes just light up and you look like a giant ball of happiness. It's been that way for a long time." Rabbitfoot meowed and Tangletuft turned back to face him, her green eyes opened wide.

"Really?" Her ears perked up before drooping down, her expression flattening "But Breezefoot is with Smoketail... It just wouldn't be right for me to be with Snowblaze."

What am I saying? She thought afterwards, shaking her head internally We aren't even friends.

Rabbitfoot paused, his face brightened as if he knew something but he just shrugged "Well... I guess we can hope or hope not."

The last words of the sentence made her tilt her head. Or hope not... It didn't sound right on her tongue but she shrugged it off.

"Why did you even call me out here?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Well," Rabbitfoot reluctantly began "A few days back Foxgaze called me over saying you were talking to a StarClan cat. I wanted to know if it was true or if you were just that tired."

"It was true." Tangletuft quickly stated, shrugging her shoulders.

"Who were you talking to?" Rabbitfoot pressed.


"Which cat?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Because I want to know."

"Know what?"

Rabbitfoot let out a grumble before closing his eyes and letting in a cautious breath "Please tell me."

"I was talking to Dewblaze," Tangletuft admitted before waving her tail across the soft grass and letting the stems tickle her tail bone. "I told you that before but you probably didn't listen."

Rabbitfoot jostled upward, his eyes sparkling "Dewblaze?"

"You know your old mentor?" Tangletuft scoffed, feeling a bit sorry for her harshness afterwards.

"Yes I know who Dewblaze is. I was just surprised that he talked to you." Rabbitfoot meowed, shaking his head afterwards "But it doesn't matter. What did he say?"

"Why does it matter?" Tangletuft countered, stopping in her tracks as the lake came into view over the hill.

Rabbitfoot stopped with her "It was a StarClan cat talking to you. I'm pretty sure it's important."

Tangletuft just shook her head "I'm not sure.." She trailed off, looking at the setting sun in the distance "I don't know if I should."

"What why?" Rabbitfoot asked, his voice getting higher.

"Because there's someone here." She hissed, spinning around as a herd of RiverClan cats sprawled from the bushes and sat in the fighting pounce, hissing and panting and their eyes opened, wide and angry.


And there you guys go ahahaha sorry it's so short

what's wrong with RiverClan? comment what you'd think because I don't even know what's wrong hahaha

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