Chapter four

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"I can't believe it Tanglekit! We're being made apprentices!" Breezekit yowled, delight and excitement in his voice.

"I know! I can't wait!" Tanglekit squealed, turning to Sagekit "Who do you want as your mentor?"

"I want Grainwisker." Sagekit mewed, her voice had gotten softer this past moon and Tanglekit guessed that Sagekit would have a soft and relaxing voice, unable to turn itself mean in battle.

"Grainwhisker? Why do you want that impatient tom?" Breezekit scrunched his nose, making a expression as if he'd smelt crowfood.

"He's not impatient!" Sagekit argued, her soft voice making it hard to take her seriously "He'd be a great mentor for me!"

Breezekit snorted "Well I want Graystar as my mentor." Breezekit showed his yellow teeth to his two sisters and puffed out his brown fur.

Sagekit and Tanglekit both giggled "Good luck with that." Tanglekit purred, flicking her ear before she continued in a meow "I don't know who I want.." Tanglekit shrugged "As long as it isn't Foxgaze."

Foxgaze would probably have to be the most short-tempered cat in all of WindClan. Even the other Clans knew about her temper and strictness on kits, apprentices and warriors younger than she was.

Sagekit and Breezekit nodded, understanding Foxgaze's temper would throw them off of their training.

"Look at your pelts! How do you expect to go in front of the Clan looking like that?" Willowflight shrieked, running up to her three kits "Especially you Tanglekit! Look at all of those tufts in your fur! When is the last time you cleaned yourself!" Willowflight grabbed her kit a began licking fiercely.

The whole Clan seemed to have noticed. They all were giggling and purring, except Smokepaw and Snowpaw of course. The two older cats were huddled near the apprentices' bedding talking in a hushed whisper.

Tanglekit whined "I can wash myself! Stop!"

Willowflight snorted "Oh it sure looks like you can." She mewed sarcastically, then continued licking the long white furred she-kit.

After what seemed like moons, Willowflight let Tanglekit go "Okay Breezekit it's your turn." Willowflight turned her head to Sagekit. Her short pelt always looked neatly groomed no matter what she had done. Lucky Sagekit "You're fine Sagekit now Breezekit come like I asked."

Breezekit grumbled and padded over to his mother, grumbling even more with each lick.

"How are my kits doing?" Tanglekit whipped her head to the side to see Sunstripe, a golden brown tom, padding up to Willowflight and nuzzling her ear.

"I never thought you cared about the kits." Willowflight murmured between licks.

"You're our dad?" Sagekit asked, looking shocked "The whole time I thought it was some stinky horseplace cat!"

"Horseplace stinky! Horseplace stinky!" Breezekit squeaked with his low voice.

Willowflight let Breezekit go and he scampered to his littermates and looked up at his father. Breezekit had grown. He wasn't much smaller than Sunstripe and about the size of Snowpaw already. Tanglekit could tell that Breezekit would be a muscular and fierce warrior. Completely the opposite from Sagekit.

While Willowflight hushed things to Sunstripe, Tanglekit directed her attention to TallRock, where Graystar was sitting "All cats old enough to hunt, join beneath TallRock for a Clan meeting!" He yowled, delight filling his voice.

Sagekit ran rings around her littermates in excitement "Finally we're being made apprentices!" She mewed.

Tanglekit padded to the front of the crowd, Breezekit and Sagekit thumping at her paws.

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