Chapter thirty seven

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Smoketail, now Hush, sat under the full moon. She stared at Clear, Patch and Forget. The three kits sat beside each other shaking in their own harshly groomed and almost perfect fur.

Hush had gotten slightly accustomed towards how the group had worked. She knew the name of the group, which was the FourSpirit group. She thought the name sounded nice, and she might have liked it better than boring old WindClan before.

She had also learned that kits waited for seven moons, one more than WindClan back home. They also could only hold ceremonies for becoming a train or full-grown on the full-moon night. That night was tonight.

"I have called you all here today because it is the graceful full moon. We are also here to make three kittens into trains." The leader spoke out loud. Hush thought of the cat's name. She couldn't quite remember it but she knew it was either Kiki or Waltz.
"So I will make them trains." The leader continued "They might be split up with their appointed task but keep in mind as you become a train, your whole group is your family. Don't be afraid to leave kitten family behind for FourSpirit."

The leader paused, and all the cats in the clearing held their breath "Clear. You will be a Fighter. Your broad shoulders, long claws and strategic mind are made to be a fighter."

"Thank you Waltz." Clear meowed as he was meant to do.

The leader's name was Waltz after all. But that's besides the point.

"Forget, you will be a Hunter. Your fast legs, quiet paws and graceful moves makes you perfect for that task." Waltz continued, and Forget bowed her head, saying thank you to the leader.

Waltz moved on to Patch next. Hush had to admit she didn't mind Patch. He was curious and always wanted answers. She admired him like a littermate.

"Patch, you will be a recruiter. Your curious mindset, cleverness and friendly skills will bring us many cats in the future."

"Thank you Waltz." Patch let his head down. And the cats began stomping their paws on the ground. Hush joined in, confused about what was happening.

"Good luck in your tasks." Waltz meowed and suddenly, the stomping stopped. The leader just edged his way backwards and into his den.

What was that? Hush thought, tilting her head. It was awkward how the stomping continued just until the leader disappeared. That was something Hush would definitely have to get used to.

But she shook it off as Patch, Clear and Forget gazed at the full grown cats in front of them.

"I choose Fever as my teacher." Forget announced and she was soon joined by a lovely she-cat with silky brown fur. The two exchanged look before whispering something to each other. Then, the two sat beside each other and gazed at the two brothers who were left.

"I choose Sheep as my mentor." Clear spoke and just like the first time, an older cat joined Clear. This one was a fluffy white tom. He looked sort of like Snowblaze in a way. The two repeated what Forget and Fever had done, before they sat down and gazed at Patch, the lone littermate.

Now it was Patch's turn. The train stepped up and glared at the pile of recruiters "I choose Hush as my mentor."

The cats gasped and so did Hush. She stayed frozen for quite sometime, her thoughts stopping before blindly shuffling her paws forward. Patch opened his mouth to whisper something but a cat cut him off.

"But that's impossible! She doesn't even have a task!" A cat screeched from
the back of the group and many murmurs of agreement spread through the cats.

"Actually," Whisper meowed, stepping up beside her daughter "She came from a different land and she knows how to travel, guard, hunt, fight and recruit. She basically used to do all our roles every day back in her Clan. So why not let her train Patch?"

"If she did so much there then why did she leave?" Hush heard Sheep meow, and she met eyes with him. He sure did look a lot like Snowblaze now. The broad shoulders, deep amber eyes and fluffy fur. This almost had to be Snowblaze.

"I wanted to meet my family." Hush simply stated, shrugging her shoulders.

"I say we let her," Fever meowed and Prince let out a pitchy meow of agreement in the background "And if she fails, we know she isn't meant for FourSpirit."

"Hush!" Patch began to chant beside Hush and slowly the group followed and not before long, the whole group was chanting her name. She felt like she was on top of the world.

Smoketail was no longer Smoketail of WindClan. She was now Hush of FourSpirit with her lovely train Patch.


Okay hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Sorry it's so short aha

Book two is on the rise! If I choose to do one or not I'm not totally sure.

but anyways, that's about it byee

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