Chapter forty six

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guys we are nearing the end of this book ! only seven-ish more chapters can't believe we're almost finished book one! Thanks so much for everything guys ily


Tangletuft stood in a herd of other cats and waited for the patrols to be named. Although sleepiness tugged at her bones from Sorrelfall's kitting the night before, she knew she had to continue duties. She was a warrior after all.

Greenleaf morning air chilled her senses. Although the breeze was warm, beyond the wind the temperature felt bitter. Fortunately it promised of warmth later that day.

"Tangletuft," She was zoned out of her thoughts by the deputy, Seedpelt, calling her name "You will lead Dapplepelt, Sageclaw and Mistpaw in a hunting patrol. Hunt wherever you like please but be back by sunhigh."

"Yes Seedpelt." Tangletuft bowed her head, trying to act as calm as possible. She got to lead a patrol with her two closest friends on it! How better could that be?

"Wait Seedpelt," Tangletuft heard an awfully familiar voice call within the crowd "Could I join their patrol? I'm really in the mood for hunting at the moment."

"But Snowblaze can you wait until they come back? The patrol will be quite big if you join." Seedpelt gently protested, flicking his tail tip casually.

"I might not want to hunt later," He paused, putting more empathy as he went on "I want to hunt right now. Not later."

"Whatever," Seedpelt nodded "I guess more cats means more prey."

Tangletuft felt her heart drop yet felt it lighten at the same time. Snowblaze? Why out of all cats him? She just wanted to spend time with her two closest friends and he had to bud in. Why?

But at the same time she felt happy that he'd be there. She wanted to talk to him and know everything there is to know. She wanted everything. But she knew she'd get nothing.

As Snowblaze joined the patrol with a smug look on his face. Tangletuft casted a glare in his direction, before her face softened. She quickly looked away as he caught her.

The patrol soon left camp and went through the long moor, padding towards the ThunderClan side of the territory. Tangletuft thought it was the wrong choice at first, but then she remembered it'd be much safer than the RiverClan side.

She led her patrol towards a patch of undergrowth from a patch of trees not far off. The short grass snuggled at her paws and she murmured internally in content. But soon she stopped and faced her patrol before speaking

"I want Sageclaw and her apprentice Mistpaw to hunt in open space so they can train," She paused facing Dapplepelt "You are one of the best hunters in the Clan so you can hunt for yourself. That means I'll hunt alone too." She meowed, content with her choices.

"What about Snowblaze?" Mistpaw asked, her high and innocent voice creeping over the cats.

"Oh yeah him..." Tangletuft trailed off, thinking.

"He can just go with you." Dapplepelt suggested, casting her dear friend a look.

Tangletuft was tempted to stick her tongue out at Dapplepelt but she didn't, she just slowly nodded "Alright. We'll meet back here quarter to sunhigh."

The cats nodded before separating their different ways. Tangletuft and Snowblaze waited behind until all the cats were gone before they went their own way, which was a tad bit closer towards the border, which was still awfully far away from ThunderClan territory.

"So," Tangletuft awkwardly meowed "How are you?"

"Are you going to always talk to me like that?" Snowblaze asked, letting out a soft laugh.

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