Chapter fifty

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Hush couldn't look down to see Sheep's limp body. She was even too scared to give him a proper burial. With a tear-soaked face, she left Sheep beside that thunderpath. That was something she would always regret.

But she left Sheep near that deadly path before she ventured forward unknowingly. What could she possibly do now?

The sun began to slowly crumble into the ground as Hush traveled through a clumpy landscape of trees. Her head was looking at her paws. They seemed to move forward on their own. Hush couldn't even feel them moving. She could only feel the pain of losing Sheep.

Was it normal to grieve for a stranger? Was he a stranger? Was he less or more than just a simple white furred tom who entered her life? Sadly, Hush knew she would never know the answer.

The short time she'd known him he was an amazing cat. He was intelligent, humorous, active and-

"Dead," Hush flatly murmured, angrily forcing her teeth together "And dead."

She looked down even farther, if that was even possible. Her paws were still moving, the grass was still growing and the wind still blew the grass to the side.

Hush slowly looked up at the sky, it was still blue. Two birds flew above head, making their annoying caws.

It was strange how after something so horrible, the sun could still shine and the birds could still fly.

Now Hush stared ahead of her, squinting at what she saw. It was a blob of silver fur. As she neared it, she could recognize Foggypaw, a popular ThunderClan apprentice. But why?

Am I in ThunderClan territory? Hush thought, alarmed. How could she be all the way over here? WindClan territory was far closer to the other group's camp. Had she dodged WindClan's territory?

"Hey you!" Foggypaw hissed, racing up to Hush and narrowing his eyes "You're on ThunderClan territory. Get off now before I use my claws."

Hush's first response was to run. Foggypaw had grown and was probably -if not seriously close to becoming- a warrior. But she held her ground, and her tongue spoke very sharply.

"Like you would Foggypaw," Hush snorted "I could probably beat you with only one paw."

"My name isn't Foggypaw," The tom paused, letting Hush think she had been mistaken "It's Foggyblaze. Now I'm going to move past the fact that you somehow know my name and-" He paused again before his eyes almost fell out of his head "You're Smoketail! You're the cat that left WindClan."

"I guess you could put it that way." Hush held herself up, the memories of being in WindClan attacking her.

"Well if you want to go back I can tell you that you're going the wrong way. You're heading towards ShadowClan territory." Foggyblaze awkwardly meowed, shrugging his shoulders.

One moment he wanted to claw her ears off, the next he's giving her directions? Weird.

"I don't want to go back," Hush slowly spoke "I don't really know where I want to go."

"Seems you've lost hope," Foggyblaze meowed, hesitating before continuing "You can join ThunderClan. I bet Treestar would love to have a new warrior."

"I don't think I'd be very good at being a ThunderClan cat." Hush slowly replied, shaking her head.

"I bet you'd be amazing." Foggyblaze tried to cheer her up. And after seeing no result he gently nudged her to her paws "Come on, it can't be that bad."

Hush looked at Foggyblaze for a while, it seemed like forever but it was probably just a small two heartbeats before she nodded her head "Alright."

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