Chapter forty eight

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Hey guys so I hope this goes up soon but idk when it will but I guess if you're reading this then you know it's up...


A cold gust of wind swept on Tangletuft's white fur. She winced, as dust flew off the ground and into her already parched eyes. Today was windy, and although her Clan name featured this element, Tangletuft couldn't hate it more at this moment.

As she stumbled forward on the open moor, she squinted suddenly when a bright light came into her vision, blinding her and sending her thoughts into whirlpools.

The light was immensely bright and even through closed eyes, it seemed as though her eyes were open. She stumbled onto the ground and covered her face with her paws, terrified that the light might eat her up in one big bite.

But suddenly, her eyes opened and she was found in WindClan camp, the wind ruffling her white fur and the light its usual morning pastel colours.

It was still a bit early for the Clan to wake up but her past dream still haunted her in reality. Had it had something to do with the prophecy?

She gently suppressed the thoughts as she decided to get up and do some hunting. Or at least walking. Anything but dreaming that dream.

After a few moments filled with herself getting up and heading towards the territory, the wind rapidly got faster. She looked down before targeting the wind, rebelling against it with each step she took.

"Having trouble there?" A voice spoke, making her jump in her paws. She spun around to see none other than the white tom she'd wanted least to see in the last few days. It was Snowblaze.

"No it's just windy." Tangletuft meowed, plainly shrugging her shoulders.

"Well I think you should get used to the wind. You live in WindClan after all." Snowblaze laughed at his own joke as if he was the funniest cat around the lake.

"Ha ha very funny." Tangletuft spun on her heels and padded the opposite direction. Unfortunately, he followed her. She let out a frustrated groan and turned to him, her eyes annoyed.

"Do you want help hunting?" He offered, peering into her eyes. His eyes were soft and pleading. They were way different than Tangletuft's dry and rude ones.

"I'm not hunting I'm just walking. Surely you want to go back into camp and live your charmed lifestyle. I'm not holding you back, so go." She bit her tongue right after spitting out those hurtful words. Not once had she thought Snowblaze's life was easy, and now she had just blurted it out like it was nothing.

Before she could apologize for what she'd said, Snowblaze replied, a slight edge of anger tingling his words "Charmed life? So you think I just want to know about the prophecy because I'm bored in my charmed and easy life?"

"That's not what I mea-" She started but Snowblaze cut her off.

"I'll have you know that Longwhisker was not the best mother. She had lost three of her kits during birth and she had low hopes for me, seeing as I was the weakest kit she'd ever seen. She ignored me mostly, giving me and Smoketail a chance to get a strong bond. Smoketail was all that I had. She was my only family member that was there. In apprentice training she thrived and I didn't. I had to convince Graystar to let Smoketail stay behind so we could have our ceremonies together. I struggled with everything until I met you. Sure I had known you before but something just popped. You seemed different, and I had to know why. You ignored me and soon my very own sister wasn't even related to me and she left. I had no one and today, I still don't. That life surely seems easy doesn't it?" He finished, letting in a long breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean that." Tangletuft apologized, looking at her paws "It just slipped out."

"I get it..." He trailed off, looking at his paws as well.

Suddenly, a faint sound was heard. The two cats perked their ears to listen. What could that sound be? It sounded cat-like, but it was far deeper than a cat sound. Maybe it was the wind making the grass scratch against each other. No. That sound would be wispy not a growl-like sound.

"It's coming from the hedges." Snowblaze whispered. He bravely got onto his paws and stepped forward towards the sound.

Tangletuft sat frozen as she heard a bark. It was a dog! A pack of wild dogs jumped from the hedges and targeted the two felines.

"Run!" Snowblaze yowled, pouncing away from the dogs and pounding his paws into the ground.

Tangletuft followed, her breaths soon beginning to hurt on the way out. As camp came into view the dogs had lost their trail.

"They'll track us back to camp," Snowblaze said matter-of-factly "We need to warn our Clanmates."

Tangletuft only nodded in return before she entered camp, and the yowling began.


It was sundown of that day and no hunting or border patrols had been sent out. Graystar was obviously terrified of losing a cat that he kept all the cats inside of camp all day.

"Monsters will be watching." Rabbitfoot whispered from beside her.

Tangletuft looked up to meet him and tilted her head to the side "What did you just say?"

Suddenly a huge pack of dogs cascaded into camp, motioning for cats to fight them. The warriors jumped into the fight first, the apprentices guided the kits and queens to the nursery and the elders moved into their own den.

More and more nasty dogs swarmed into camp. There was more dogs than there were cats!

Oh StarClan Tangletuft thought, closing her eyes Give us strength to win this battle.




okay my school ends on the 26th of June so I'm terribly sorry but there probably won't be any other chapters until then but hey, that's only two weeks away!!

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