Chapter twenty seven

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Tangletuft stared down at the first RiverClan warrior she saw. It was a large brown furred tom. Otherwise known as Mossyfoot.

He gave her an unpleasant look before beginning to growl like a dog, his eyes burning with fury.

"Why are you attacking us?" Rabbitfoot asked the cluster of RiverClan cats, his voice spreading like a bird's wings through the clearing.

Tangletuft quickly took her eyes off of Mossyfoot to stare at the rest of the cats. Scalepaw was there, as well as Fishbreath. There was also two other warriors Tangletuft couldn't recognize.
She averted her eyes back to the angry Mossyfoot.

"WindClan has lied to us," Fishbreath scowled, his eyes narrowing "And now we're battling for Sageclaw back."

"Why? What did we lie about?" Rabbitfoot asked as he surprisingly stayed calm. Not even the fur on the back of his neck rose.

"You said you would give us a day's worth of rabbits for Sageclaw back." Fishbreath growled, continuing in his deep voice "But since then, we haven't got any prey."

"We never promised you that!" Tangletuft called out, earning herself an angry glare from Mossyfoot. She stayed quiet afterwards.

"Yes you did," Fishbreath meowed, staring at young Scalepaw "Scalefall told us. I don't think she would lie."

Tangletuft stared towards young Scalefall who shrank in her own copper fur, obviously ashamed and embarrassed of what she had said.

"Well she did," Rabbitfoot spat "Scalefall lied."

"No she didn't." Mossyfoot erupted in a hiss, staring down Rabbitfoot.

"Scalefall would never lie!" A RiverClan warrior Tangletuft couldn't recognize cried out, taking their huge paw and bringing it forward.

"And now since you didn't live up to your promise, we'll have to fight you." Fishbreath hissed, narrowing closer to the ground as he peeked forward and into Rabbitfoot's fear crusted eyes.

And then, Fishbreath pounced landing squarely on Rabbitfoot and the battle began.

Tangletuft stared at the cats before Mossyfoot's brown fur choked her down. She gasped, breathing in the knocked out air.
A paw slammed into her face, winding her again and she fell backwards, and rough brown paws collapsed onto her.
She looked up to see Mossyfoot pinning her down and she narrowed her eyes, anger coursing through her body.

Suddenly, an unknown RiverClan warrior raced up to Mossyfoot and stared into her eyes. The warrior seemed angry too.
This wouldn't be good.

Mossyfoot let out a mocking laugh as he neared closer, his whiskers tickling Tangletuft's white face fur.
"I know that Scalefall lied," he growled "I just wanted to kill you."

"What? Let me go!" Tangletuft thrashed underneath him, unsteadying the big warrior for a few moments before the other RiverClan warrior pushed down on her shoulders, making her scream in pain.

The claws began to unsheathe and the battle began again.

Tangletuft quickly squeezed out of the toms' grips before rounding up on their her side, using speed as her advantage she bowled the RiverClan tom over and hearing him hit the ground in a hard thud. And as the tom slowly pulled himself up, she locked eyes with Mossyfoot, and pulled her head high.

"WindClan doesn't lie!" She yowled, racing towards the tom in a battle cry, anger coursing through her red veins. She crashed into him but he twisted, now facing the white warrior. She scratched at his flank, moving before they fell to the ground. She hit her paws onto the ground steadying herself after the shock as Mossyfoot's body hit WindClan territory.

The unknown RiverClan tom was now up and he raced towards Tangletuft. Surprise making her trip over her own paws.
And she heard the sound of crashing into the water before all her breath was taken away.

She now struggled to get to the surface as the RiverClan tom punched blows into her sides, making her drown even farther down.
She spun, facing the tom before scratching her claws at his nose, and seeing the blood float upwards, towards the surface in tiny bubbles.

He seemed surprised at first, before his angry posture returned, he spat at the WindClan warrior before he raced to the surface, leaving Tangletuft alone in the water.

She began flapping her legs, desperately trying to get to the surface. She felt lightheaded, and all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep. But she stayed awake, and crawled her way up to the surface where she inhaled a huge breath before seeing Mossyfoot right in front of her on the bank of the river with a grin on his face.

With a paw, he pushed her head back into the water and Tangletuft flailed her unsheathed paws upwards, trying to hit Mossyfoot.

But suddenly, the paw was gone. Tangletuft swam back up to the surface and let in her biggest breath in her life.

She pulled herself out of the water, collapsing on the hard floor beside the river. She erupted in coughs, the water from the river spitting out of her throat and onto the ground in front of her.

She gazed out towards the clearing, seeing WindClan warriors fighting in the clearing. More had came. They weren't alone anymore.

"Tangletuft," She heard a blurred voice call "Tangletuft get up! We need to get you back to camp!"

The pictures in her mind were dizzying and she wanted desperately to close her eyes. But she forced herself to stay awake.

She felt soft fur against hers. Soft white fur. And suddenly she found herself on a square back of a larger cat.
She stared forward, trying to see which cat it was. But she already knew it was Snowblaze.

And as Snowblaze ran towards camp, her eyes slowly began to close, before a world of darkness awaited her.


Woah what two chapters so soon ahaha

I won't be on for the rest of today because I'm traveling back home! yay!

okay bye guys!

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