Chapter thirty six

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This will be a time-skip because why not ahaha?


It had been a moon or two since Smoketail left and slowly Smoketail's previous family regained their strength and began participating in Clan activities.

Just earlier that day, Tangletuft watched as Snowblaze joined a hunting patrol, and how he came back with a plump rabbit in his jaws. She sort of pitied him. She couldn't imagine losing Sageclaw or Breezefoot.

But now in current time, she watched as Graystar climbed on TallRock and sat in a neat stance, his tail falling onto his gray paws "All cats old enough to hunt, join here beneath TallRock for a Clan meeting!"

Immediately, cats poured into the clearing from the bedding or the dens which camouflaged into the moor floor. They began exchanging curious glances. But they already knew who's ceremony this would be.

Redpaw, Splotchpaw, Dapplepaw and Berrypaw were becoming warriors. And a moon early too! The four had shone excellent skills and learned extremely fast. It would almost be a shame if they were kept apprentices for another moon.

Also, Silverblaze's kits were being apprenticed. It seemed like only yesterday Tangletuft was helping in their kitting and now they were becoming apprentices! Time sure does fly by doesn't it?

It was also weird that the two ceremonies fell on the same day. Funny how things work sometimes.

"I have called you all here today because four kits are ready to take a step and become apprentices." Graystar paused, staring at the four bundles of joy who could barely stay still. "And I am honoured to be able to appoint their mentors and start their journey in WindClan."
"Heavykit, until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Heavypaw," Graystar looked out into the crowd of warriors, and locked his eyes on one warrior in particular "Smallfoot, you have shown to be a neat and skilled warrior. Please pass down all you know to young Heavypaw."

Cobrakit went next. Tangletuft admired his golden pelt as his ceremony began and his mentor was called out. It was Featherfall.

Next was Stormpaw. She had gotten Crowflight as a mentor. Tangletuft just nodded as the last kit, who was Mistkit, got her name.

"Your mentor will be Sageclaw." Tangletuft's heart stopped. At first she felt jealousy for her sister getting an apprentice before her. Plus it was before Snowblaze and Snowblaze was clearly a better warrior. But soon, joy overwhelmed her. Sageclaw got an apprentice! That means Tangletuft was next!

"And next," Graystar called out as the new apprentices and their mentors shuffled to the side "We have four new warriors. They have only been in training for five moons but I think all cats can agree that they are ready to become warriors."

Tangletuft and her Clan all murmured in agreement before Graystar continued "Therefore; I will make them warriors. Dapplepaw please step forward."

Tangletuft watched in interest as her friend stepped forward "Dapplepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Dapplepaw's shaky reply edged across the clearing.

"Then from this moment on, you will be known as Dapplefoot. StarClan honours your warm-heart and good attitude."

Newly named Dapplefoot jumped onto TallRock and gently licked Graystar's shoulder before gracefully jumping down. She sat tall, obviously proud of herself.

Redpaw went next, earning the name of Redwhisker. On the way back down, Redwhisker flashed Tangletuft a glance before he turned away, padding with his head high towards his close friend Dapplefoot. Tangletuft's heart lurched, but she didn't show it.

Next was Splotchpaw. She didn't know this cat very well but she still respected her. Splotchpaw sure was a hard working cat. She received the name of Splotchfur. Tangletuft watched as Splotchfur pounced off of TallRock and sat beside Redwhisker. The two exchanged glances before looking at the last apprentice. It was Berrypaw.

Berrypaw got the name Berryfall. And he generously accepted it. He now sat beside his friends before the Clan erupted in cheers.

"Heavypaw! Cobrapaw! Stormpaw! Mistpaw! Dapplefoot! Redwhisker! Splotchfur! Berryfall!" They yowled, Tangletuft joined in.

The Clan was strong with so many new warriors on the rise. Would it stay that way?

But Tangletuft shook off her thoughts as the cats quieted down, and Graystar began speaking once more "As you all know, tonight is the gathering. I will announce all the cats that will attend it."

The whole Clan stayed silent, wondering who he'd pick to go.

Tangletuft hadn't been to a gathering since she was a newly named apprentice. Inside, she knew it was because Rabbitfoot didn't want the cats telling her about the prophecy but she knew now about it so why not let her go?

"I will take Rustlestep, Grasspelt, Rabbitfoot, Seedpelt, Longwhisker, Mudheart, Smallfoot, Heavypaw, Featherfall, Cobrapaw, Crowflight, Stormpaw, Sageclaw, Mistpaw, Tangletuft and Snowblaze." Graystar meowed, and different reactions came from his Clan.

Tangletuft herself was excited. She barely remembered sitting on the island under the full moon and listening to cats speaking about what happened in their Clans. She wondered if she would see Sparkpaw again. Surely she had gotten her warrior name by now.

"We will leave at sundown but until then, get some rest and don't tire yourselves out. That is all." And with that, Graystar slid off of TallRock and met with his deputy Grasspelt.

Tangletuft observed the two. Graystar looked muscular, fit and young with his piercing amber eyes and soft and shiny gray fur. He talked confidently to his deputy while she just nodded.
Grasspelt looked frail just for a moment. Her green eyes dull and her lively face was now sulky and cold. But that was only for a heartbeat. The deputy then rose her head high and began to look nicer, younger and maybe even prettier.

Was the deputy getting old? She couldn't be she was barely older than Graystar. But yet again, some cats age faster than others.

Tangletuft shrugged it off as she took a seat in a patch of setting sunlight. Excitement overwhelmed her and she couldn't relax. She felt like an apprentice again with all the excitement she had for one small gathering. She couldn't wait to go.


Okay thanks for reading this I hope you enjoyed!


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