Chapter fifteen

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"Why can't I go to the border? It's my sister." Tanglepaw complained as Rabbitfoot applied new cobwebs to her shoulders.

"Because your shoulders are wounded and a long trek like that could damage them more or infect them." Rabbitfoot replied, rolling his eyes calmly.

"Ugh fine." Tanglepaw sighed, sitting down in her bedding "But who's going anyway?"

"Grasspelt, Smokepaw and myself." Rabbitfoot meowed, looking content of himself.

"But Smokepaw has wounds! She was in the battle too!" Tanglepaw argued, her voice higher than before.

"You have deep marks in your shoulders. She just has a few minor scratches and a cut ear. Now stop acting like a kit and behave yourself." Rabbitfoot replied, before both of the cats heard rustling in the entrance.

Tanglepaw's mother, Willowflight came bursting into the medicine cat den and raced over to Tanglepaw, where she inspected every last inch of her.

"Will she be okay?" Willowflight asked, a scared look in her eyes.

"No she'll die." Rabbitfoot sarcastically said, earning himself a laugh from Tanglepaw. When Willowflight hadn't found it funny he continued in a more serious voice "Um yes she'll be up and running again in just a few days."

Willowflight nodded before turning back to her kit "Don't worry," she softly mewed "Breezepaw only has a few scratches around his nose. Nothing much." She paused, her voice a little more cold now "And we will get Sagepaw back."

Tanglepaw just looked up and nodded "Thanks Willowflight."

"I love you and your littermates so much. You're growing into fine warriors." Willowflight licked her kit between the eyes before turning around and making her way out of the den. Tanglepaw heard the shallow swish of the long grass draped on the wall as her mother left.

"I have to leave now," Rabbitfoot meowed, packing up a few herbs "And don't even think about sneaking out. I'm having Featherfall watch you."

Oh great. Tanglepaw thought Featherfall. The last thing I wanted.
Rabbitfoot left the den while Featherfall entered. She looked at the apprentice and nodded her head "Bored are you?" she asked, twitching one of her whiskers.

"Very." Tanglepaw meowed, pausing before replying "Can I go to the dirtplace? I really need to."

The pretty silver she-cat hesitated before reluctantly nodding "But if you aren't back as soon as possible then I'm going to look for you."

Tanglepaw bowed her head "That's fair." She got out of her bedding and shook out her fur, discarding moss in all directions.

As Tanglepaw left the den, she rolled her eyes "Why do I have to be watched like a small kit now? My shoulders aren't even that bad." She muttered, turning towards dirtplace.

"What's that Tanglepaw?" Redkit asked as Tanglepaw spun on her heels to meet him. He did not have to look up as much anymore. He had grown so much lately it looked unusual to see the bigger Redkit. He must've been around four or five moons old already.

"Oh nothing," Tanglepaw sweetly purred "Why don't you play with the other kits?"

"Those cats?" Redkit yawned "They're boring."

Tanglepaw let out a mrrow of laughter "Oh really now? And how's that?"

"They never want to do anything! They just play mossball or play fight." Redkit replied.

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