Chapter twelve

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Tanglepaw woke the next morning with a jump. She had been greeted by that falling sensation at the end of sleep, making her wake up confused.

The rest of the apprentices were still sleeping around her. Snowpaw was splayed out, his snoring louder than his body language, Smokepaw and Breezepaw slept side by side as all best friends would, but Sagepaw was still no where to be seen.

Is it even dawn yet? Maybe Sagepaw woke up early to go onto the dawn patrol? Tanglepaw thought, looking around herself.

Something told Tanglepaw it wasn't even dawn yet. Most cats slept in their beddings and the sun hadn't climbed over the horizon yet. Maybe Sagepaw had just gone hunting out early?

Tanglepaw stood up and shook out her fur. Moss flew in all directions but mostly hitting Snowpaw beside her.

"Wha-?" Snowpaw blinked his amber eyes open and looked up at Tanglepaw "Why'd you wake me up?"

"I didn't mean to," Tanglepaw replied, shrugging her shoulders "Sorry."

"Where are you going so early?" Snowpaw asked, more awake than a few moments before.

"I'm just going hunting to meet up with Sagepaw. I don't know why but I didn't see her last night or this morning." Tanglepaw quickly explained, feeling a little stupid afterwards. I don't even know where my sister is. My own sister.

Snowpaw nodded "How about I come with you? We have some time until dawn comes."

"Uhh okay." Tanglepaw mewed "Then let's go."

Snowpaw got up and shook out his fur as well, taking notice unlike Tanglepaw as he shook. He made sure not to wake any other cats.

Snowpaw nodded to her and the two white cats set off, veering side to side to avoid the cats in their path.

Tanglepaw exited camp first, looking from left to right for Sagepaw. Where could she be?

"Maybe she went to the lake?" Snowpaw suggested "Maybe she wanted to look across the lake and she fell asleep."

"Hopefully," Tanglepaw mewed "Let's go check."

The lake! I never would've thought of that. She thought, looking to Snowpaw. Maybe it was a good thing he came.

The two cats began jogging towards the lake at a leisurely pace. After a bit of running, Tanglepaw had to stop. Her lungs had started to hurt so she began a walking pace, trying to breathe normally again.

"Are you okay?" Snowpaw slowed down with her, he paused before continuing "It's your lungs again isn't it?"

Tanglepaw nodded, realizing just now that the whole Clan knew about her easily hurt lungs and her cough. Did they all also know that she might have to become a medicine cat?

She pushed her thoughts away as the two apprentices began nearing the lake "Okay how about I look over there," Tanglepaw pointed with her tail to RiverClan territory "And you look the other way."

Snowpaw seemed to hesitate for only a moment before nodding "Okay." He mewed before padding in the other direction "We'll meet here in a few moments alright?" He asked, looking back.

"Yes Snowpaw," Tanglepaw playfully stuck out her tongue "Since when did you care?"

Snowpaw rolled his eyes in return, with a happy look on his face "You're still a rabbit-brain."

"And you're still ignorant." Tanglepaw gave him a funny look before she turned around and began padding towards RiverClan territory.

Her thoughts began racing. Where's Sagepaw? Is she okay? Did she fall into the lake? Oh my StarClan! What if she fell in?

And her walk began to turn into a jog, then a run, then a sprint. Her heart beating faster than a bird's wing in flight.

But once she had reached the border, there was no Sagepaw.

Tanglepaw was terrified. What happened to Sagepaw? Hopefully Snowpaw had found her.

It was silent for a few moments as she looked out onto the lake, wondering where her sister had gone to.

A swish of the bushes made her jump "Snowpaw if this is a joke it isn't funny." Tanglepaw hissed, looking around herself.

"Snowpaw?" A voice asked from the bushes, which Tanglepaw now realized was in RiverClan's territory "I'm surely not that arrogant tom."

"Then who are you? Show yourself." Tanglepaw demanded, narrowing her eyes.

"You're scared. I can smell it." A mocking laugh came from the bush.
Hare-dung! "Shut up I'm not scared of anything!"

"Sure sure whatever." The voice meowed before exiting the bush. It was an apprentice like herself but he was huge.

Tanglepaw instantly remembered Sparkpaw telling her about Mossypaw at the gathering a while ago. This was him. It must've been.

"I heard you talking about Sagepaw." Mossypaw mewed, looking at Tanglepaw directly in the eyes "I know where she is."

"You do?" Tanglepaw took a step towards him "Where is she?"

"She's at camp." Mossypaw shrugged.

"No she's not. She wasn't there the whole night." Tanglepaw argued "I don't have time for liars like you. Goodbye Mossypaw." She spun on her heels and began walking back, deeper into her territory.

"Wait!" Mossypaw hissed, and Tanglepaw turned around "I am no liar. She is at camp. But not your camp. Sagepaw is in RiverClan's camp."

"What?" Tanglepaw gasped, looking at Mossypaw bewildered by his response "What do you mean?"



Haha I tried to make this chapter a bit longer but it didn't really work out.

what do you think is going to happen? comment please I'd love to hear what you'd think!

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