Roots of Darkness | Part 1

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As he tinkered with the ship he, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan used to journey here, Anakin Skywalker could finally relax. Here, of course, being the strange, ethereal planet of Mortis. It was shrouded in mysteries and foreboding prophecies. Unusual things tended to happen, things even the Force could not present a clear, logical explanation for when meditated upon. 

But of course, did Anakin ever bother to meditate? Normal days? No. 

Days on a foreign planet whose seasons change every hour? On a strange planet where he and his friends' lives are endangered? Absolutely not. Yet, he could swear he'd heard a faint, sinister voice calling out to him only moments prior.


Anakin dropped his wrench in surprise. "Who are you?" he demanded, igniting his lightsaber instinctively. "What do you want from me?"

(Weakness, the undetected other thought. Already playing defense... how interesting.)

"Who I am is not of importance," it said. "However, I am interested in you... rather, something you possess."

"What do you want?" Anakin repeated tersely. There was something off about this whole scenario and he didn't like it one bit. "I refuse to play any more games!"

The voice ignored him.

"Stated simply, a truce. An alliance."

"What?" He snorted, evident contempt in his voice. "Look, I don't know who you are, and I know you have unpleasant surprises up your sleeve. I don't want an alliance, nor do I want anything to do with you.  Now leave, I'm busy."

Silence hung in the air, leaving Anakin alone with his work. It wasn't long before he was spoken to again.

"I have foreseen the galaxy's future," the voice continued, taunting, after a brief pause. "Your future."

His patience was running dangerously thin. He exploded at the voice to shut up, yet a sizzling sound distracted him momentarily. The fragile circuit board he'd just finished fixing was broken again

"Look what you've done," he growled. "I spent so long fixing this! Now you've undone hours' worth of work!"

"Yes,"  the voice went on, a hint of dark triumph clear in its tone. "You have much anger in you, Skywalker. Just as I predicted. We shall make a most powerful pair."

"I am not agreeing to this!"

"Oh, but you will. Soon, your struggles will be no more. Come to me, and I will show you everything... including the future."

"The future?" Anakin's eyes widened in dismay, logic beginning to slip. "Jedi are forbidden from probing into the future."

"For you Light-Side wielders, the future is dismal and hopeless." The voice spat but soon regained its composure. "And many Jedi have seen into the future, met with a shroud of darkness."

"How can I prevent it? There must be a way!" If he could save the galaxy from certain doom, he'd do it.

(Little did he know...)

"There is a way it can be prevented. However, you cannot do it alone."

"Then show me."

"Yes, Skywalker. Come to me."

"Where are you?"

"Use your senses. You will know where I await you."


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