Left With No Choice

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TW: mentions and implications of suicide; please do not read if it makes you uncomfortable!! ⚠️


That night, Anakin Skywalker kissed Ahsoka's forehead gently before bading her good night.

The next morning, no matter how much he shook her, how much he pleaded with her to wake up, she didn't.

On her bedside table lay a scroll of fresh parchment, blotchy tear stains erasing part of the text. With a heavy heart, he began to read.

Memories hurt more than actions. Words cut deeper than knives, and in the end, our friends' silence hurt more than the words of our enemies.

You always compare me to other Padawans and tell me I am a burden. A waste of space.

You continue to make cruel, offhanded remarks about my body.

You constantly tell me how lacking I am compared to others.

You never stop making excuses and getting away with it.

You've always told me suicide is the cowardly way out. Not so.

How does it feel? To be the one responsible?

I will never again sleep in my bed, never again wear the clothes in my closet.

I will never again get the chance to prank my Masters.

Never again will I get to talk to my friends, or walk these halls.

You ruined me.

And not just my confidence, but my mental health too.

Here, as I finish writing this letter,  I prove you wrong, Kyrena. Suicide was never the cowardly way out; it was the only way out.

And to Anakin, I'm so grateful for everything you've done for me. Over these past few years, I've learned and grown in ways you could never have imagined under your tutelage and influence. You were the best Master, brother and supportive best friend I could've hoped for. Please don't feel guilty. It wasn't your fault at all and it never was. I love you... I'll see you on the other side.

Ahsoka Tano


A/N: here's a double update for you guys since i've been MIA for a week-ish now lol.

i was listening to spotify one day during my down time and this song named "suicide" from the album "dark piano for dark thoughts" by lucas king, began playing it and it was my dark source of inspiration. i wanted to write this not because anything is happening (i'm fine) or just because i wanted to, but rather to have my voice heard. suicide is not cowardly. if you, a friend, or a loved one is struggling with this, please do not hesitate to seek professional help.

anyways no more dark and somewhat taboo topics ever. i promise you i'll write some fluff after the next chapter!! just don't aim any more cannons at my house, thanks-

i'm looking at u randomwriter2007 and FulcrumLives 👀

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