Troubles With Spanish

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"Okay, everyone please get your homework out as I will come around and check it. Do not forget: If you finish your homework satisfactorily and on time, you will receive 5/5 for completion marks. If it is not completed or does not meet the standard, you can still receive partial marks if it is handed in at the end of the unit. Partial marks, however, is only 40%, which is 2/5, not 100% -- see the difference? I strongly encourage you to finish your homework on time. And if you do not hand in the homework when the unit is over, you do not get any marks. Now, Graciela, if you could show me your homework..."

Ahsoka smiled in satisfaction. She had done the required homework and was certain there would be no issue. As Señor Maldonado stopped in front of her desk, she handed it over to him, expecting to receive the stamp as completion -- instead, he frowned, rapid torrents of Spanish shooting out from his mouth -- and pointed at question 4. "You didn't do this right. You were supposed to conduct a conversation with a person from each of these 10 Latino countries, but you only wrote three."

He moved on to check Raquel's work without any more explanation.

Ahsoka glared at her teacher's retreating form. The textbook hadn't even been clear what it had wanted her to do, and Señor Maldonado had not provided any explanation whatsoever when assigning the work; only writing down what needed to be done by the following day.

What's worse was that the same exact thing had happened a few days prior. The Señor had asked them to create a Spanish cover page with the following requirements: a title (Español), your Spanish name (Allegria), your English last name (Tano) and five Spanish words you like with corresponding drawings, which needed to fill the entire page. What was "fill the whole page?" How big were the drawings supposed to be??

The first time, she had proudly shown her cover page to her teacher but he only gave it a glance, saying "too much white space" before moving on.

Frustrated and trying to hold back tears of annoyance, she decided to redo her entire cover page that night.

There's no way he will not give me the marks this time, the drawings are quite a bit larger and have a lot more details.

But as fate would have it, the next morning, when Ahsoka showed the paper to her teacher, he still denied her the partial marks. 

What the kriff was wrong? There had been minimal to no specification! Why couldn't she just receive the taunting 2/5?? 


A/N: i just realized i left this book on hold for a while- ahahah pls don't come at me. New chapter coming soon i promise. also sorry if this chapter didn't really make a lot of sense; i was venting somewhat. this exact scenario happened to me and i was really pissed off. just sub jazzy into ahsoka's position. 

see you all soon :D
- jazzy

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