Auntie 'Soka

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A/N: Snips meets newborns Luke and Leia!


It was a relatively mundane afternoon on Coruscant. The sun's rays reached to the farthest corners of the planet aided by the clear skies. There was no indication of rain; only the clouds and the loud, never-ending traffic jams as per usual. Ahsoka was in the middle of a grocery shopping spree when a small gasp escaped from her lips, fruit and veggies rolling out of her shopping basket as it fell to the ground with a reverberating crash. A sudden, searing pain shot through the Togruta's forehead. Her breathing became laboured, leaving her gasping for air as she collapsed onto her knees weakly. The pounding headache did not cease; she had to bite down on her lower lip to prevent the astounding cry of agony to escape. She bit so harshly in fact, that her eyes clenched in pain as a slow but steady stream of blood began to trickle down her chin. Someone she knew well was in utmost pain.


*Meanwhile, in the delivery room of a private medical facility on Coruscant...*

"Anakin!" Padmé Amidala-Skywalker screeched as she held her husband's hand in a death grip. "It's c-coming! The babies are coming!"

"Push, love," Anakin encouraged. In all honesty, he had no idea what to do except encourage his screaming wife. "You're doing great!"

"I- hate- you!" Padmé hissed through clenched teeth, "for- putting- me- through- this!"

The young Jedi glanced around desperately, looking for something-anything- to say. As if on cue, a medical droid walked in, making eye contact with him.

"Do not worry," it rumbled in its flat, monotone voice. "They are all like this."

Anakin smiled weakly at the droid. "Thanks," he managed to utter.

Before he could say another word, another shrill scream pierced the air. "Keep going, Angel. Soon, we'll be a happy little family. Just the four of us." He was going to be a father. He was going to be a father! Unbeknownst to him, it was all the encouragement she needed.


Intense hours had gone by. Finally, Padmé slumped on the bed, utterly drained, breathing heavily as two distinct wails filled the delivery room. It was finally over.

"Congratulations, Master and Senator Skywalker," the medical droid buzzed excitedly. "You have two healthy, beautiful twins. A boy and a girl. What would you like to name them?"

"Luke," Anakin told the droid without hesitation.

"And Leia," Padmé breathed. They'd discussed names for both a girl and boy months prior, and it had quickly become apparent to them that "Luke" and "Leia" were the best choices; they flowed so naturally.

"Luke and Leia Skywalker... our children, Angel," Anakin gasped, suddenly on the verge of tears. He was a father. Padmé was a mother. The Skywalker family. Though emotional as he was, something- rather, someone was missing. "What do you say that I call Ahsoka over?" The Knight asked after a moment of consideration. "I feel like she should be their aunt after all that she's done for us."

"That's a great idea Ani," the new mother agreed as she held the twins close. "She definitely deserves that title."

"Give me a moment," the Knight replied, striding out of the room as he pulled out his commlink.

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