Shattered Mind | Part 3

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A/N: before I break your hearts again, I now realize that this is the second-to-last chapter of the Shattered Mind series. So unfortunately, your hearts will crack- twice. Now onto the story before y'all kill me.


Far away from the Jedi Temple, Ahsoka Tano couldn't hide her tears. She'd felt Anakin's horror. Undoubtedly, he had discovered her absence.

There was no going back.

As she wandered into a nearby mall, her eyes flitted across the items on display in the large shop windows.

The girl's stomach howled in protest as the vivid scent of fresh food floated into her nostrils.

There are so many options! Why won't you get anything? You need nutrients to survive! Her digestive system argued.

Food does sound like a great idea, she agreed. Maybe I will buy something if I fit my requirements today.

Ahsoka glanced down at her body, analyzing every square centimetre, her brain automatically finding the countless imperfections Kyrena and her henchmen had pointed out.

Too much fat here. Not enough muscle there. Waistline not thin enough.

Food won't be giving me any more health problems today, Ahsoka decides. It's only been around a month since I last ingested lipids, and as a result, I'm overweight. I won't wander far from this mall, so I will return if I ever need food.

Her body cried out in pain from the vast lack of nutrition. Her stomach continued to protest, her legs began to wobble and her black spots waltzed in her vision. Despite it all, she ignored the burning sensation. Pain is a weakness. In Ahsoka's mind, she was on the right track. Soon, she would have the body she desired.


"Ahsoka?" Anakin called frantically. "Where are you? Come out of hiding, th-this is not funny!" His voice cracked.

In the depths of his mind, he knew she wasn't hiding.  Anakin flung open her closet, expecting — desperately hoping — to see her possessions inside. She had left. She was gone without a trace.

Not a single shirt remained; it was as if his little sister had never even stepped foot into this bedroom. "Ahsoka?" Anakin called again, "where are you?"

Instead of a response, the Force blared. Snippets of a disturbing vision plagued his mind.

You could barely hear her sobbing. Each word Ahsoka's pen scratched into the page tore her heart apart. As each teardrop hit the paper, only the words "I'm sorry. Anakin, I'm so sorry," spilled out from the Togruta's mouth.

The closet was all but forgotten as the Knight staggered over to her desk, the connection only getting stronger.

Ahsoka's thin frame continued to shake with silent waves of anguish as each word stabbed another stake into her already torn heart.

Anakin got a better view of what she was writing in. A black, hard-cover journal. He stopped focusing on his daughter's disillusioned state of mind, instead beginning to analyze her surroundings. A carry-on bag had already been packed, and the room was identical to how he'd seen it upon entrance.

Ahsoka signed her name at the bottom with a flourish before setting down the pen. Wiping her eyes hastily, she took one final look at the room before hopping quietly out of the open window.

A thought suddenly dawned on the Knight. The Force was clearly trying to show him something, it had shown him this scene for a reason! All he needed to was to find his Padawan's journal.

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