Cosmic Force

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She knew. It was time; her destiny had been fulfilled. And now, it was time for her to be free- free from the devastating aftermath of the Galactic Empire, free of the guilt she placed on herself for her brother's turn. It was time for Ahsoka Tano to join the Cosmic Force.

She felt herself fading. Her life began flashing before her eyes, revisiting every important memory she would never forget.

"Koh-to-ya, Little Soka."

"You're stuck with me, Skyguy!"
"What did you just call me?"

"...thank you, Master."
"You're welcome, my Padawan."

"... the Jedi Order is your life! You can't just throw it away like this! Ahsoka, you are making a mistake."
"Maybe. But I have to sort this out on my own. Without the Council... and without you."

"Anakin Skywalker. He was my Master. He was powerful; rarely lost a battle. But what surprised people was how kind he was. He cared deeply for those he loved, and looked out for them until the end."

Ahsoka had never truly felt at ease. The Clone Wars era has taken a large toll on her life; she never got the peaceful childhood a girl her age should've had. She should've been training, studying, and giggling with her friends, not on the front lines fighting wars. The life of a Jedi was never simple, especially if you were the Padawan of the reckless Chosen One.

Who allowed you to say I was reckless?

Involuntarily, Ahsoka let out a soft gasp, hand flying to her mouth in shock. The words rang out clearly in her mind, and there was no doubt who had spoken to her.


The Chosen One's glimmering, pale-blue Force Ghost slowly appeared, smiling proudly at his little sister.

"That's me." Then, his smile faded, leaving a concerned Ahsoka staring. "Listen," Skywalker began seriously, "there isn't much time left before you fade completely. As soon as that happens, there'll be no chance of becoming a Force Ghost. In your final moments, which are quickly approaching, I want you to transfer the physical matter of your body into pure energy. That's the key. Once this is done successfully, your body will fade just as you transfer your presence into the next dimension."

"But I don't know if I can do this, Anakin."

"I have complete faith in you. This is your final lesson; afterward, your training will finally be complete. When the time comes, you'll know what to do."

Ahsoka still wasn't fully convinced. "Thank you, Master."

"I'll be waiting for you on the other side. Get ready, it's nearly time. May the Force be With You."

Just as Anakin shot Ahsoka a final sweet smile, his physical form disappeared, leaving only his words lingering in the air.

Bade your friends in the realm of the living goodbye as you fade. They will sense your ascension, Anakin spoke in her mind.

Luke, Leia, my time has come. You have come far in your training, and I am very proud of you. You must do the best you can to restore the Jedi Order — rewrite history, and do not let the New Order be annihilated like the Old Republic was. The Jedi of old will be there as guidance; we will always be here. May the Force be With You.

It didn't the Skywalker twins long to reply, sorrow filling both of their voices.

Thank you, Auntie 'Soka, Luke answered. We will do our best to restore the Jedi Order to its former glory. Thank you for everything that you've done for us, Leia added. May the Force be With You.

And you, Ahsoka replied. To everyone else that has aided me in one way or another, thank you. I could have never come to where I am today. For those- her vision began to blur, glimpses of blue and white finding their way into her vision.

This must be what Anakin meant when he said I'd know when the time came. Focus on transferring my physical energy into the netherworld of the Force.

Ahsoka closed her eyes, relaxing, as she felt her body begin to lighten and disappear. She allowed herself to slowly ascend, becoming One With the Force. To those who still remain in the realm of the living, once again, thank you.


What is this place? She found herself wondering. Ahsoka blinked rapidly, trying to adjust her eyes to the strangely bright place. Is this the second dimension of the Force?

Although she was no longer thriving off of the Force, she was part of it. She was it.

This place reminded her too much of Mortis; an unpredictable place where anything could happen to anyone. You shouldn't judge anything or anyone too quickly.

Ahsoka rolled back her shoulders, getting used to the light, feathery movement. She noticed a shadow at the end of the tunnel, waiting for her. Their Force Signature felt comforting, free of the darkness that it had been enveloped in for so long.


From their respective sides of the tunnel, the siblings ran towards each other, arms outstretched. As their fingertips grazed each other's, arms wrapped around waists, chins dipped in montral valleys and faces buried into chests. They relished in the warmth of their embrace, a feeling they hadn't had the chance to re-experience since the beginnings of the Empire.

"Hey, Snips... it sure has been awhile."

"Hey, Skyguy. It's good to see you again."

Anakin pressed a chaste kiss to his beloved sister's forehead. "Welcome to the Netherworld of the Force," he told her.

As his words landed, one by one, Ahsoka watched as all of her friends appeared, waving warmly at the new addition.

Plo Koon.
And countless others.

Skywalker beamed. "We're finally a large, happy family."


A/N: Hey people! I updated :DD this idea suddenly popped into my head while I showered and this is how I imagined it would go. How do y'all like it? I love writing fluff just as much as I love putting characters through hell :)

Anyways, another update coming soon! That'll be one of the last ones before I transition officially to Wattys mode.

I'm currently very happy - I scored a 95% in my English class 😌

See ya next update, imma see what I can get done tonight :)

- Jazzy

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