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To state it simply, Obi-Wan Kenobi could not sleep.

It didn't help that it was nearly midnight, and the reverberation of Anakin's frustrated yells echoing loudly in their bond only increased his migraine.

Based on the consecutive banging sounds infiltrating his eardrums, it was clear to him that Ahsoka wasn't having a good time either.

Why are Masters required to teach their Padawans about quadratics two years early?

There was no logic to that, Obi-Wan reasoned. Math was an art of sound reasoning and rationality. If concepts from earlier years had not already been cemented into a stable foundation, trudging onwards would be next to impossible.

He knew that from personal experience.

I should probably intervene before things get heated and they wake up the entire Temple.

Groaning, he managed to pull himself away from the luxuries of his mattress. As the bearded Master rubbed his eyes in a futile effort to clear the fog from his vision, he sighed.

Let's see how this goes.


"... no! In order for the quadratic equation to remain the same, you must subtract what you just added!"

"But you just said I have to multiply that number with the coefficient!"

"No, I said that you have to subtract what you added so the equation stays the same. Then when you take it outside of the bracket, multiply with the coefficient."

"You're making no sense! I can't-"

Rap, rap, rap.

"Anakin?" Obi-Wan's haggard-sounding voice called out. "Shut it, will you? Cut Ahsoka some slack."

He scoffed in indignation before retorting heatedly, "I've explained it to her more than a hundred times! Every time we move onto another question, she repeats the same mistakes!"

"Then explain it to her again. All I've heard is you yelling, and yelling accomplishes nothing! It's nearly midnight and she has school tomorrow."

"This assignment is due tomorrow! And I can't face the shame of-"

"Master, why don't you just let him in?" An exhausted Ahsoka interrupted. "You're gonna wake Windu up before it's five and you know how he is when that happens."

For just a moment, Anakin's posture stiffened in fear, not wanting to meet a very angry Mace Windu at 11:59 pm. "Sure," he finally relented.

As soon as the door shut with a soft click, the three assumed their positions: Ahsoka's pen scrawling furiously across the page, Anakin hovering over her, eyes glaring at the page, watching for any miscalculations she could have made, and Obi-Wan relaxing on his former apprentice's mattress.

"Are you done yet? It's been five minutes!"

"No, I'm st-"

"Ahsoka, you have to finish within five minutes! On an exam, if you take any longer than that, you will not have time to finish the entire paper, much less check for any mistakes!"

"I- I'm sorry, Master. I just don't understand a few of the crucial steps, and yelling-"

"Do not blame me for getting irritated, Ahsoka! I get that it's difficult, but if you'd paid attention, you would have understood by now!"

"I did pay attention!"

Ahsoka was done, and so was Anakin. Stupid quadratics. "Master Kenobi," she said pleadingly, "could you please help me out?"

Obi-Wan looked at the drained Padawan in sympathy. "Sure, Ahsoka. Before that, however, I've got to deal with a certain something named Anakin."

She snorted in the most un-Padawan-like manner possible, turning away from her irritated Master in case he had already some sort of playful revenge planned out.


"Okay, now that I've explained the process to you again, let's try another question. We'll go slowly, step by step. If you have any questions, or you're unsure, ask me."

Ahsoka nearly sobbed in relief; thank the Father Obi-Wan was much more patient than Anakin. "Alright," she agreed, "let's do this."


After hours of anguished, tedious work, endless screaming matches with Anakin, and countless interventions on her Grandmaster's part, she was finally starting to understand how to manipulate an irregular quadratic equation to its general form.

Perhaps she still did have a chance at a bright and glorious future.


A/N: y'all have no idea just how much I despise working with quadratics. I'm Ahsoka, my [royally pissed off] dad is Anakin and Obi-Wan is literally every other member of my family lmao. Although there is no humour involved :(

Edit: i understand it very well now and i'm proud :)

I'm literally letting off steam because I hate this chapter [in my math textbook] so damn much.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this short little chapter. I will be writing something on a much happier note next time, so stay tuned!

- Jazzy

P.S: I'm writing on a different device rn cuz it's past my bedtime 🙃 and look at all the extra emoji thingys!


(Someone stop me, I'm having way too much fun with this lol)

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