Smol Child Sparring

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A/N right now I have 4 drafts of unfinished chapters. This is nice. 

Anyway, this is my family again but with the mcyts so like ahahha pogchamp. 

Also, just a happy chapter before the sad one, this will probably be short btw.

Ages for the oneshot:

Wilbur and Mack: 12

Techno: 12

Lavender and Quatro: 10

Tommy and Tubbo: 10

Doggo: 9

*sigh* Go check out my new book on my profile, its called Villains Of The Server. 

If you want to, ofc. 


TW: Blood. (Don't worry... no one gets hurt......)

Third-Person POV ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Ruby laughed, looking at the children running around. 

Phil was standing next to her, a mug of warm water in his hand while in Ruby's was tea. 

"I don't understand how you like tea, I mean its just some plant shit into water and then it makes tea." Ruby laughed at Phil's comment as he put his hand down to pat Ranboo on the head, who was running around, picking up blocks and sometimes giving them to the pair.

Ranboo was mostly giving them grass blocks or just picking up and moving them, every once in a while having to adjust his crown that way it wasn't fully covering his eyes. He tripped on a small rock, running turning into a roll as he lay with his eyes towards the sky on his back, chuckling softly at the act he just pulled off.

Then his crown slipped down onto his face, covering his eyes, making him laugh even more. 

Ruby turned around to look at the giggling boy, smiling as she put down her tea on the small table that had some orange slices on it, for the kids later, lifting Ranboo up and taking his crown off, looking at it fondly. 

"I remember when I gave this to you. You had just come into Phil's house and were shivering, needing a place to stay. The girls and I were staying at their place for the night, and then we saw you. Phil took you in, of course." She shot a glance back at Phil who was watching the others, smiling at both of their children. Ranboo was looking up at her with interest in his two colored eyes, unnerving her slightly, but after having Lavender, Quatro, Doggo, and Mack for children she was pretty used to being a bit scared by children. "He had taken you in and I had visited you in the night when he sent you to sleep... you weren't sleeping. You were scared, I could tell you were. I gave you one of the only things I had on me at the time, a replica but very much different of Techno's crown. You held it and fell asleep that night..." 

Ranboo smiled, Ruby laughing as she plopped his crown back on his head, it slipping over his eyes.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, using his hands to put the crown back onto the top of his head so that he could see, being lifted down to the ground. 

"I think we have to call the others to eat some lunch now, ok?" Ruby asked, Ranboo nodding as he followed her back to the small table, with some orange slices and sandwiches on it. 

Phil let out his signature laugh, looking over at the kids sparring, grinning. 

"Ruby, see that? Wil's actually improving." Phil called out to Ruby, tapping her on the shoulder slightly as Ranboo sat on the ground, looking at the others while he waited. 

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