33. Well, Shit.

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also in taht picture; the sun <3

TW: Mentions of Alcohol and drinking (mostly just hangovers and a bottle, no illegal drinking.)

Your POV -.- 

You woke up, did the normal thing which was sit outside on the roof for a few minutes or so, Techno coming out and sitting with you, the two of you going downstairs to pure chaos, which was Wilbur simply sitting there with Tommy cussing him out, Tubbo trying on Ranboo's sweaters and stealing them, Tubbo running away from Ranboo as he tried to get his sweater's back, and Phil passed out on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand. 

You family was a mess, and it was fine. Because, even though you somehow managed to stay alive on all the crime that you were hiding, you still loved all of them. 

And you weren't going to get fucking messed up with the mafia here, no no no- N o <3

Then, through all the mess and pandemonium that had happened in just a normal morning, there came on a knock on the door.

Everyone froze like a rat civilization getting exposed to the public, human eyes staring down at all of you as Tubbo had one hand on Ranboo's sweater, Ranboo with one hand on the other side of his sweater, Wilbur about to put his hand over Tommy's mouth, and Phil just starting to wake up. 

"Who's gonna answer it?" You asked tentatively, both you and Techno crouching down as if to fight someone.

"PHILLLL-" Ranboo whisper yelled, Phil sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Hm?" Phil answered groggily, putting the bottle down on the table carefully. "Ow. My head hurts."

You could tell Techno had to bite back a snarky comment.

"PEOPLE. AT. THE. FUCKING. DOOR." Wilbur said through gritted teeth, glaring at Phil, daggers coming through to him.

And as Phil processed this new information, a completely different voice spoke up.

"I say we fight against them, I mean it is America right? My brother does 'Manhunts' all the time." The voice of Drista came from the sort of second floor, and there she was, sitting on the railing, checking her fingernails like they were the most important thing.

"I think that's a good idea." Tubbo said, standing up tall and proud.

"I'm- Not even going to ask how you're here, DAD THE FUCKING DOOR." You yelled/whispered at Phil, in which he immediately scrambled off of the couch.

"EITHER OPEN UP OR THE POLICE ARE COMING IN." A loud voice came from the other side of the door, more knocks repeating on the wood surface.

Tommy and Wilbur both hid in their rooms, you and Techno ran upstairs and peeked out of your room, Drista simply stayed where she was, Ranboo disguised himself as a lamp by taking the top of an actual lamp and shoving it on his head, and Tubbo climbed into Ranboo's stolen hoodie, pretending to be a pile of laundry on the floor.

Both of their disguises looked convincing.

Phil straightened up his hair and opened the door, looking like a completely normal citizen.

He had a lot of experience in acting like this.

There were police scattered outside of the house, on the lawn, cars parked out and the sound of a helicopter hovering above the house coming through the roof.

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