28. It's The End Of The World

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Art by @4stur on Twitter. 

TW: Derealization, Armageddon (The End Of The World), Death, Fire, Explosions. 

A/N Gonna be a short A/N cuz these things discourage me a lot for some reason, anyways, have fun reading this. 

Yes, the title is scary :> (What do you think will happen in this chapter? LMAO-)

Idea: Technoblade_______ Kylaxystars 

Your POV -.- 

You opened your eyes, for the first time in what felt like a few months, almost a year, or even a year by now, and felt a gust of wind, like a person rushing past you, on your side.

You tilted your head to the side, to see... Wilbur? 

He was in your room and he had pushed a letter onto the small table next to your bed.

He stood up straight, and ruffled his own hair, his lips pursed. 

"Wilby?" You asked, not meaning to call him that, but the name slipped from your lips before you could stop yourself.

You were tired, and that was gonna be your excuse forever. 

Wilbur looked over at you, slight panic and complete despair washing over his face.

"Hey Y/N." Wilbur said weakly, his voice soft yet filled with slight anger and... sadness? 

"Why do you sound so tired Wilbur?" You asked, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. 

You looked over to your other side, turning away from Wilbur for a second, and looking outside. 

It... It didn't look like outside. It didn't look like the peaceful mornings you had always seen. 

The sky was a dark red color and the trees that were usually peacefully standing were now almost fully burnt down. 

"The test results got back. Only Tommy, Tubbo and I will be able to go to the bunkers that the government made. Thank god Techno didn't get chosen, right? I mean, he wouldn't blown the whole place up just because the government made it..." Wilbur's words made no sense to you- W-What did he mean by "the test results".

Wilbur had tried to make a sort of joke, but he sounded too tired, his voice sounded too sad, too angry, too... too....

"Wilbur, what's happening?" You asked, looking back at Wilbur.

"Y/N, remember, the test? The world... The world..." Wilbur couldn't finish his sentence, he put his head in his hands and then looked back up at you, tears in his eyes. 

"Ending." You finished his sentence for him, the same amount of despair flashing across your face.

All... All of those, all of those good memories, or at least the most recent ones, must've been dreams.

You're mind filled you in on everything that had happened, the government announcing that the world was somehow ending, they never really revealed how. Them saying that everyone had to take a test to see if they were fit to go into the bunkers the government had already made, you blacking out once you got home from the test, everything.

And it had only been... a week? A week since you had that movie night in Tommy's room, that night filled with nothing but laughter and comfort- 

"Y/N, I have to go. Tommy, Tubbo, they're already packed. There's a letter explaining everything, I decided to give it to you since... well, Dad would probably rip it up immediately, Techno would go crazy, Ranboo... I don't know. Ranboo is in the house though, so stay with him, stay with Dad, stay with Techno. Eret and Niki... I don't know where they are. Dream, Drista, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, George, Sapnap, Antfrost, Velvet..." Wilbur looked at you, trying to make a smile.

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