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'Gabriella's secret'

'Gabriella's secret'

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Being know as the 'veela girl' and the 'new girl' has put Amora in the spot light, most girl coming up to her asking questions and boys waddling over to her and trying to flirt, which caused her to smart mouth them, making Cedric give them the evil eye.

Classes hadn't started yet it was only Saturday, meaning most students where laying about doing nothing. Amora was along side Cedric, Gabrielle, Herbert and his quidditch friends. All of them hanging about on the first-floor corridor, Cedric hugging Amora from behind his huge hands clutching Amora waist, while Amora fiddled with his rings on his right hand.

"Have you seen her! She like talking highlighter!" Herbert laughed, causing everyone to laugh, Gabrielle laughing awkwardly, which Amora though was weird.

"I mean back home people had bold outfit choices, but hers is courageous," Amora snickered.

"She seems strange, that's smile she wore last night was definitely fake," Herbert explained, "it's was so forced."

The group agreeing, all of them getting weird vibes and suspicious feeling about her.

Cedric held Amora tight, leaning his head onto of hers, rubbing shapes into her skin.

"Do you think this years gonna be normal?" Cedric asked.

"It's never normal around here," One of his quidditch friends stated.

All of them agreeing, Amora wondering what happens before she came to Hogwarts for the Tournament.


"Come on!" Gabrielle smiled, pull Amora down towards the Ravenclaw common room.

"Gabs, you don't have to pull me, I'm coming either way," Amora laughed, as she felt a tug on her arm.

Amora body jerked forward towards a door without a doorknob or keyhole, but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. Gabrielle answered some questionable riddles causing the knob-less door to slowly open.

Amora was tugged into the deserted ravenclaw common room, eventually snatching her wrist away from her grasp.

"What is it?" Amora whispered anxiously, her green eyes look concerned.

"Is it a bad thing?"

Gabrielle shook her head, no.

"What is it then?"

"It's-" Gabrielle stuttered, "it-s that I kinda- like-"

"You like Herbert don't you," Amora smirked.

"Wait! How did you know," Gabrielle asked quickly, causing Amora to laugh.

"It's so obvious."


"Have you told him?" Amora said, asking for more details.


"We're kinda dating..."


Gabrielle giggle anxiously, fiddling with hair, while Amora pressure her for details.

"How long? Does he treat you good? Does anyone else know?" Amora smile.

"Amora calm down!" Gabrielle whispered, "anyone could hear."

"Answer my questions," Amora said bluntly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"About 3 week and he treat me well, and no ear knows except you," Gabrielle answered, "and I think he's telling Cedric soon."

"I can't wait!! We can go on double dates now!" Amora squealed, jumping up and down slightly.

"Yeah! We don't have to feel like a 4th wheel anymore," She laughed.

"I can't believe you have a boyfriend," Amora said to herself, shaking her head slightly.

"I alway kinda saw something between you too," Amora smiled, fixing her hair.

"Well, we should be getting read for classes soon only a day left," Gabrielle said, walking towards the stair case to her dorm room.

"I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"Yeah, bye!"

❛ 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄 ❜ ( 𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐘 )Where stories live. Discover now