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The past few day Amora experience at Hogwarts was going splendidly, having new friends, amazing grades, and new experiences. As her birthday was fast approaching and the picking of the contestants of then triwizard tournament, she decided to check out the enchanted cup before it wasn't in sight anymore.

"AMORA! VIENS VITE!" Natalia shouted worriedly, making Amora anxious by her tone of voice.

"Nat? What's wrong?" Amora worriedly spoke, walking towards Natalia.

"FLEUR! She's entering," Natalia huffed, obviously out of breathe from running to find Amora.

"WHAT! Why didn't she tell me, oh god what if she gets picked and gets hurt," Amora pasted, running her hands threw her straight blonde hair.

"Never mind, quick we need to get to her," Natalia said, grabbing amora hand dragging her out of her room.

The two Beauxbatons girls sprinted down the hallway towards the great hall, almost running onto multiple students on the way.

Amora heart stopped when she saw multiple girls surrounded Fleur, she knew she was too late to stop her, she'd entered and didn't tell her.

"Amora!" The familiar french accent yelled from across the room, Amora knew it was Fleur but didn't want to talk to her at the moment.

Amora stun around with her arms crossed over her chest, with a obvious pout on her face.

"Happy birthday!" Fleur sang, pulling Amora into a hug.

"Thanks..." Amora whispered.

"What's wrong, mores?" Questioned Fleur, she couldn't tell what was wrong, and it was her birthday Fleur didn't want her to be upset.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Amora frowned, making eyes contact with her elder sister.

"I didn't want you to worry, you alway worry and I didn't want to ruin your birthday," Fleur stated, holding onto Amora shoulder to support her.

Amora nodded, before she noticed a familiar figure standing near the edge of the age line.

"I'll be back in a minute," Amora said, as she walked away from Fleur toward the familiar figure.

She stood beside them holding out her hand, "give me your paper ced," she said politely.

"Whyyy?" He questioned with a smirk, knowing it will annoy Amora.

"Give," Amora said stubbornly, making grabby hands at Cedric, which cause him to chuckle.

Amora lifted the piece of paper with his name on to her red plump lips, leaving a kiss mark on the paper and handing it back to him.

"Good luck charm," Amora smiled, causing Cedric to turn a light shade of red. Which Amora thought was rather adorable.

Cedric walked Into the circle that was protected by the age line, making most of the Hogwarts students cheer as he moved closer to the cup. He carefully placed his piece of paper into the flames cause more eruption of cheers.

Cedric chuckled to himself, jogging her way over to Amora to hug her, he spun her around causing Amora to giggle in his ear.

"Happy birthday mores," he whispered in her ear, Amora heart skipped a beat. She wondered how he know it was her birthday and who told him. And the thought snapped into her thoughts, Fleur and Natalia. Of course.

❛ 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄 ❜ ( 𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐘 )Where stories live. Discover now