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3 weeks later

It's been 3 weeks since the boys went in for the meeting with Simone. Today they were going to the studio to start writing and making beats. "Babe we are about to leave" Brandon said walking up to me. " okay baby you guys are going to do great" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "I hope so" he said getting nervous. " I know so you guys got this" I said reassuring him. " YO B IT'S TIME TO GO" Edwin yelled from downstairs. " okay babe I gotta go I'll see you after for lunch with the rest of the girls" he said giving me a kiss. " we'll be there baby do good" I said. He ran out of the room and I heard the door close. " eve" Dylan said walking into the room. " what's up dyl" I said making my bed. " what you wanna do" he asked. " well we could watch Disney movies until it's time to meet everyone for lunch" I said. " okay let's do it" he said jumping up and down. We both sat down on my bed and decided to watch finding nemo first.

Brandon's POV
We were finishing up our first studio session when Simone walked up to us. " wow you guys work fast " he said impressed. " hey we were raised if you have dreams make them come true " nick said making all of us smile. " well so I'm here to tell you what it's like being famous " he said seriously. " it can't be that hard " Zion said making us laugh. " that's where your wrong some of you guys have girlfriends correct " Simone asked. " yea Brandon and I " Edwin said. " well you guys would have to move closer to the studio in Hollywood which means it's harder to make time for them it's better if they move with you guys " Simone said. " I mean tiff would probably be able to after graduation " Edwin said. " eve might be able to " I said. " what about dyl bro " Zion said. " shit right " I said. " you might have to breakup with her and get a new girlfriend Brandon " Simone said. " no way man we will work it out I'm not breaking up with her I love her " I said. " are you chasing your dreams or her " Simone said. " both man I can make it work you worry about the paperwork " I said getting mad. " bran-" Simone started said. " with all due respect sir we here about music business and music business only don't come trying to rearrange my happiness " I said. " understood I'm very sorry Brandon " he said. All of the boys looked at me like I was crazy. " very well boys session over see you next session " Simone said smiling. We walked out thanking everyone and got into the car. " dude wtf is wrong with you" Zion said. " nothing why " I asked. " ummm you talked to Simone as if he was a stranger on the street " Edwin said. " how " I said back. " by arguing with him " Zion said. " I'm sorry that you don't understand what it's like being in love Zion but I'm not going to lose her especially over this Edwin out of everyone you should understand " I said. " bro I get where your coming from just next time watch how you say it " Edwin said. " look guys I know this is our dream but she's also my dream girl and I'll be damned if I lose her again because I could lose her for good " I said looking down. " hey bro it's fine okay " nick said. " but think about what he said B " Austin said. " yea whatever austin " i said. I sat back thinking about what simone said and what the boys said. They can't be right it just can't be true i'm not breaking up with her. 

Evelyn's POV 

we were now in the car on our way to the place we were going for lunch. When we got there we saw the boys getting out of the car. " Hello boys" i said parking the car. " hey babe " brandon said walking up to the car. " Hey B " dylan said. " hey dyl " brandon said opening the car door for him. " How was studio time babe " i asked getting out of the car. " oh we ended up finishing up early " brandon said. " oh that's nice baby " i said hugging him. " yea and simone got on brandon's bad side " austin said. " wait what why " i asked. " no reason " brandon said. " just wasn't his day at the studio " zion said. " exactly so austin shut up " edwin said. " umm okay weird " i said making the girls laugh. We walked in and got helped immediately. We ordered our food then started talking when i realized brandon was really quiet. " hey what's wrong " i asked him. " just something simone said has me thinking about it " he said sighing. " you want to talk about it " i asked him. " no babe it's fine just me over thinking" he said sighing. I looked at the rest of the boys and saw that they were giving Brandon and I a weird look. I just brushed it off and we continued with our lunch. 

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