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When we got to my house we all got down leaving his suitcases in the car. I opened the door and didn't hear or see anyone. " GUYS WE'RE BACK " i yelled closing the door. A couple of seconds later the back door opened and everyone walked in. " hey guys " tif said. " is this him " nick asked. " yup " i said. " char take dylan upstairs for a second " brandon said. " uhh ok come on dyl " charlotte said. They walked upstairs and we heard the door close then char walked back downstairs. " i'm sorry who are u guys " my dad said. " i'm austin this is edwin, nick, zion, brandon, charlotte, and tiffany " austin said. " and the next time u put your hands on her your dead old man " zion said getting in his face. " wait you told them " my dad asked looking at me. " U LEFT A FUCKING BRUISE ON HER FACE " brandon yelled pushing him. " calm down little kid " my dad said. " babe chill out " i said walking up to him. " CHILL OUT THIS PUSSY ASS BITCH PUT HIS HANDS ON U " brandon yelled getting even madder. " babe take a deep breath " i said. " FUCK DEEP BREATHS IF U TOUCH HER AGAIN WE WILL BE PLANNING YOUR FUNERAL NEXT AND THAT'S A PROMISE " brandon yelled. " HEY look at me " i said but he didn't he kept on giving my dad death stares. " brandon look at me " i said touching the side of his face calming him down. He looked down at me and placed his forehead on mine. " he's not worth it ok " i said. " ok " he said. We pulled apart and i looked at my dad. " so this is your new boyfriend " my dad said. " yea " i said. " how long have u guys been dating " he asked. " a month now " I said. " is he the reason why u and Alex broke up " my dad asked. " no dad Alex cheated on me with Lilly " I said. " he's dead " my dad said. " ur like 8 months too late bud " Zion said. " z " I said. " sorry " he said making me laugh. " anyways dad what's with the sleeping situation " I asked. " I was going to ask if I could stay here " he asked. " guys text our parents " nick said. " wait what " my dad said. " ok well then dad u can stay in the guest room Ed and tif can share the bed in my old room, two of u guys can sleep on the couch, we also have a blow up mattress, Brandon and I are sleeping in my new room, oh and don't forget one of u guys can sleep with Dylan " I said. " ok " everyone said but my dad. " what " I said. " they're staying here too " my dad asked. " yea why " I said. " I don't know I just thought u, dylan, and I could spend the week together " my dad said. " we are silly " I said. " alone " he said. " as if we would leave u here alone with eve and dyl " nick said. " u must be smoking pot sir " Edwin Said. " guys " tif said. " uhh where's the guest room " my dad asked. " it's actually the only room downstairs it's the last door down the hall " I said. " oh ok well if u kids need me I'm gonna be in there " he said. " ok " I said. " but I doubt we will " Brandon said earning a look from me. We watched my dad walk into the room and close the door behind him. " what the fuck was that " I said. " what was what " Zion asked. " look he might have put his hands on me and mom but he's still my dad and sad to say this but we still have to respect him " I said. " women beaters don't have my respect and neither do child beaters " Brandon said. " whatever let's just move on " I said rolling my eyes. " hey you guys wanna go get dinner later " edwin said. " yes we haven't done that since zion's birthday " tiffany said. " a fancy dinner " zion asked. " yes " the girls and i said at the same time making the boys laugh. " can i go " dylan said. " of course dyl " nick said. " yay " dylan said. " what about your dad " charlotte asked. " what about him " i asked. " shouldn't we invite him " austin said. " why would we do that " brandon said. " ok stop being rude he still is her father whether u guys like it or not so deal with it " charlotte said. " i'll tell him later " i said. " what time are we going " tiffany asked. " 8 " edwin said. " ok " we said. " well we have 2 hours to waste before we have to start getting ready " i said. " ok " they said. We decided to sit down and watch a movie together.


" alright females time to get ready "tif said standing up. " bye boys see u in a little " I said. We walked upstairs and grabbed all of our makeup and we grabbed our outfits for dinner. We walked into my new room aka my moms old room and turned on some music. " ugh eve what are you wearing " char asked walking out of the bathroom. " what's on the bed right there " I said pointing at it. " do u guys know if we are partying or something after this " tif asked. " no I think it's just the dinner but dress for both ig " I said. " wait are you going to tell you dad " char asked. " oh yea i'll be back " i said. i walked out of my room and walked downstairs to see the boys laughing. " hey what are u doing down here " austin asked making everyone look at me. " i was coming down to tell my dad about dinner " i said. " oh ok but we are also taking dylan " brandon said. " ok also the girls want to know if we are going to a party or something " i asked. " umm well there is a party tonight " zion said. " of course u would know " Edwin Said. " what I'm the party king " he said making me roll my eyes. " so then what do we do with Dylan " nick asked. " halie can watch him " Brandon Said. " I can watch him guys he is my son " my dad said making all of us face him. " it's ok thanks tho dad " I said.

Not Mine (Brandon Arreaga story )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang