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Zion's POV

They left leaving the rest of us laughing and talking. " wait who is dyl " austin asked. " dylan is her little brother " i said. " oh ok " he said. " yea she actually brought him back from texas because of their dad " i said. " what did their dad do " edwin asked. " umm before their parents separated he was doing drugs so when they separated he stopped just to show them that he could take care of dylan but when she visited last month she found out that he was doing drugs again " i said. " oh damn " tif said. " yup does anyone want a water " i asked walking to the kitchen. " just bring us all one man " nick said. "do you ever worry " char asked. " about what " i asked handing them all a water. " about her doing drugs and turning into her father " she asked. " char that's too far " tif said. " umm no why would i " i said opening my water. " i don't know everyone has secrets i mean she was cheating on nick and kept it a secret " she said. " yea but we were cheating on her and b before eve had even moved here and the last time i checked we kept it a secret " nick said. " yea i don't know she's a little weird " she said then they walked in. " where's his room " b asked. " here let me show you " eve said. They walked upstairs and then a couple of minutes later they walked back down.

Evelyn's POV 

We walked in and saw everyone was quiet." where's his room " b asked. " here let me show you " i said. We walked upstairs and walked into his room. " is it just me or was everyone quieter then usual " i asked. " i was just about to ask you the same question " he said. We walked downstairs and looked at zion to see him a little mad. " ya know z " char said. " what took you guys so long " zion asked rolling his eyes. " well dyl got yelled at and eve over here threw hot coffee and a pencil sharpener at the lady at the front desk that yelled at him " brandon said. " oh and i punched the principle " i said. " damn eve your turning into a bad bitch " tif said hugging me. " i thought i already was one " i said smiling. " don't turn into your dad " char said. " wait what " i said. " yo b get your girl " zion said. " why " brandon asked. " did u not just hear her " i asked. " no i tend to not listen to her " brandon said. " well get her " zion said. " why what did she do " brandon asked. " she won't stop talking about my girl " zion said. " what did she say " brandon asked. " DAMN IT JUST CONTROL HER " zion yelled throwing his water making it go everywhere. " uh oh z don't become your uncle " char said. " DON'T U EVER COMPARE ME TO HIM EVER " zion yelled. " b " i said. " go calm zion down before he does something he's going to regret " brandon said. I walked up to zion and pulled him into the other room. " zion calm down " i said. " EVELYN NOT RIGHT NOW " he yelled. " ZION CALM DOWN " i said. " EVELYN GET AWAY FROM ME BEFORE I DO TURN INTO MY UNCLE " he yelled. I walked up to him and slapped him. " DON'T YOU EVER EVER COMPARE YOURSELF TO HIM EVER " i yelled. He looked at me and broke down into tears. " shh it's ok zion " i said hugging him. He hugged me tightly and cried even harder. " your not him and never will be. U are so much of a better person then he is your loving, caring, humble, respectful, responsible, heartwarming, and an amazing person so don't ever let that bitch get into your head " i said. He nodded his head and looked at me. " thank you eve " he said. " of course i'd do anything for you " i said. " i love u evelyn " he said. " i love you caleb " i said smiling. " why " he said. I walked up the door and opened it. " i love u zion now come on " i said sticking my hand out. We walked out laughing and my eyes landed on charlotte. I let go of zion's hand and ran up to her grabbing her hair and dragging her off of the couch. I started punching her when someone grabbed me. " WHAT WAS THAT FOR " she yelled crying. " DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO MY BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT AGAIN OR YOU'LL END UP IN A DITCH BITCH " i yelled. " evelyn calm down " brandon said. I looked back and saw he was the one who took me off of charlotte. " let me go brandon " i said. " not until u calm down " he said. " i'm calm " i lied. " eve i know u. your very far from calm " he said. I calmed down and he put me down. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack. I walked over to the couch and threw it at charlotte. " for ur black eye and ur lip that is bleeding " i said sitting down on zion's lap. " babe i love you " zion said making me smile. " i love u too " i said kissing him. A couple minutes later we heard a door open. " mommy eve " dylan called from the top of the stairs. I got up and walked over to the stairs. " hey dyl u ok " i asked. " yea " he said rubbing his eyes. " guess who's here " i said. " who " he asked. " hey d " zion said. " zion " dylan said. Zion walked up the stairs and dylan jumped into his arms. I smiled at them as zion walked downstairs carrying him. zion put him down and wrapped his arms around me. " Hey i thought i heard u " brandon said walking out of the bathroom. " B " dylan yelled running up to brandon. " hey little man " brandon said picking dylan up with the biggest smile on his face. I smiled and thought about how excited dylan gets when he sees b. I looked back at zion and saw he was a little sad. " hey hey don't worry about that ok u have me " i said. " ik i just wish d and i were that close " he said. " ik baby but u just need to give him time he liked b and i together and when he found out we broke up it broke his heart " i said. " ik " he said kissing the top of my head.

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