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" so then what's going to happen Brandon " I asked. " umm idk " he said. After that the doorbell rang so I ran downstairs to open the door but my mom had already opened it. When I saw who it was my eyes got wide. " eve your friends are here " my mom said making them look at me. I turned around and ran upstairs and ran into my room. " what's wrong " Brandon asked. " nick and Charlotte are here " I said then his eyes got wide. " what do we do " he asked. " go hide in my closet " I said. He turned around but the door opened. " hmm well if it isn't Brandon arreaga " Charlotte Said. " well if it isn't the slut " Brandon said. " what are you guys doing here " I asked. " we are here to talk " nick said. " about what " Brandon asked. " well we don't want the friend group breaking up " Charlotte said. " who said it was ever gonna break up " I said. " well if they find out that we all cheated on each other they aren't gonna want u in the group " Charlotte said. " and why not " I asked. " because ur just a whore who cheated on her boyfriend " she said walking up to me. " yea and your also a whore who cheated on her boyfriend so looks like we both gonna be out the friend group sister " I said walking up to her. " u wanna go " she said getting in my face. " if u want to bitch " I said. " Babe no " Brandon said pulling me back. " aww u just called me babe " I said looking up at him. " yea I did " he said looking down scratching the back of his neck. " anyways what are we going to do about the friend group thing " nick asked. " idk what did you guys have in mind " brandon asked. " we were thinking that we are together but not together " Charlotte said. " bitch what that made no fucking sense " i said. " she meant that we fake date " nick said. " wait why " brandon asked. " so the friend group doesn't break up " nick said. " ok wait who's fake dating who " i asked. " the same as before like we never broke up basically " charlotte said. " alright i guess " brandon said. " alright since that's done if you guys don't mind i need to finish packing " i said walking into my closet. " where are you going " nick asked. " texas " i said putting more clothes into my suitcase. " oh " nick said. " umm can you guys actually help " i asked. " of course " charlotte said. " ok umm char get me shoes, nick get my hoodies, and brandon get my underwear and bras ok break " i said. I was in my bathroom grabbing my straightener and curler while everyone else was grabbing what i told them to grab. " wooooo " brandon yelled making me run out of my bathroom. " WHAT'S WRONG " i asked. " i got the good drawer why didn't u ever wear these babe " brandon said turning around holding a pair of lace underwear. " BRANDON " i said making him laugh. " and your my babe " charlotte said. " yea " i said turning around and walking back into my bathroom. " i'm your fake babe don't get that twisted charlotte " he said. " whatever " she said. We finished packing and everyone was about to leave. " alright bye guys " charlotte said. " bye char " i said. " bye baby " she said walking up to brandon. " bye charlotte " he said. She grabbed the back of his head and kissed him. He didn't pull away he kissed back. " bye b bye eve " nick said. " bye babe " i said. I walked up him and kissed him. When we pulled apart i looked down and bit my lip. They both left and i rolled my eyes. " what was that " brandon said. " what was what " i said putting my suitcase by my door. " bye babe " he said mocking me. " ok i don't sound like that " i said laughing. " and you guys aren't dating " he said. " neither are we " i said back. " wow where did this come from " he asked. " kissing her back " i said. " what are you talking about " he said. " YOU KISSED CHARLOTTE BACK " i yelled. " AND YOU KISSED NICK " he yelled. " YEA BUT I HATED EVERY SECOND OF IT " i yelled. " THEN WHY DID U KISS HIM FOR SO LONG " he yelled. " PRACTICE I GUESS WE HAVE TO DO THAT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE " i yelled. " WOW so u kiss him for almost 2 minutes " brandon said. " we aren't even together so why are you worried about it " i said. " BECAUSE I LOVE YOU " he yelled. " NOT ENOUGH BECAUSE U CRIED OVER CHARLOTTE ON MONDAY " i yelled. " wow ok " he said grabbing his stuff. " where are you going " i asked. " home " he said walking out of my room and slamming my door. " SEE THIS IS WHY I'M GOING TO TEXAS " i yelled. " TO RUN AWAY FROM YOUR PROBLEMS EVELYN " he yelled walking back into my room. " NO BECAUSE " i yelled but then i stopped. " BECAUSE OF WHAT EVELYN " he yelled. " BECAUSE I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE " i yelled crying. " CAN'T DO WHAT " he yelled. " I CAN'T KEEP YELLING AT YOU OR ARGUING WITH YOU BECAUSE IT HURTS ME " i yelled. " HOW " he yelled. " BECAUSE I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH BRANDON " i yelled dropping down to my knee's. I put my head into my hands and cried my eyes out. " hey i love you too " he said kneeling next to me. " don't lie to me bra-" was all i got to say before he cut me off by smashing his lips onto mine. When we pulled apart we starred into each others eyes. " i hate that we have to do this fake dating thing " i said. " i know i do too but they have a point " he said. " yea i know it just sucks " i said. " i know baby " he said holding me. " hey so i was thinking why don't i come to texas with you " he said. " because u have school " i said. " but i wanna go " he said. " and what will your excuse be " i said looking up at him. " that i'm following the love of my life " he said smiling. " brandon " i said blushing. " i can just say i'm going to visit my grandma " he said. " brandon " i said. " fine i won't go " he said. " good " i said. " but can i sleep over at least " he asked. " but you have school in the morning and i'm leaving around 5 " i said. " i don't care i wanna spend as much time with you as i can " he said. " ok then yes you can " i said smiling. " alright well it's 8 so what u wanna do " he asked. " wanna go get food " i asked. " duh i'm always hungry " he said making me laugh. " i love your smile baby " he said cupping my face. " i love you " i said. We kissed then we left.

Not Mine (Brandon Arreaga story )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora