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A Couple Days Later

It has been 2 days since zion and i broke up. These past days i have been hanging out with b and it's amazing i missed him i missed us but i need to move on even though it's going to be hard. " hey what u thinking about " b asked. " oh nothing " i lied. " eve i was with you for damn near a year i know what u look like when your thinking about something " he said. Right now we were cuddled up watching a movie while dylan was asleep. " it's just you know what never mind " i said. " eve " he said. " fine " i said pausing the movie. I sat up and he looked confused. " it must be serious " he said. " it's just i miss you so much and i love you so much " i said. " ik and i miss you too " he said. " but you know that we can't because we are happy with who we are with right now " i said. " as much as i hate to say it i am happy with charlotte right now " he said. " see and i'm happy with zion " i said. " so then what are we going to do about our feelings for each other " he asked. " i guess just get over them " i said. " but that's going to be so hard " he said getting teary eyed. " ik it is but it's the best thing to do " i said sighing. " please when u get over me never leave me i don't care what happens never leave me eve " he said grabbing my hands. " i could never we have been through too much " i said. " u promise " he asked. " i promise " i said. " good " he said smiling. " hey but u have to promise me something " i said. " and what is that " he said. " don't let go of me and don't forget me " i said. " forget u i could never and i will never let go of u " he said. " no brandon one day u and the boys will be famous because you guys are so talented and i don't want you to forget about me when u make it " i said looking down. " hey " he said making me look at him. " no matter who your with and no matter the situation u will always be mine always " he said warming my heart. " ok " i said. " and i promise that i will never let u go " he said. I kissed him and he smiled. " i love u evelyn rowan " he said. " i love you brandon arreaga " i said smiling. We cuddled up together again and finished the movie.

A Week Later

Today is the day zion and i see each other again and i'm excited. It's been a whole week since I've seen zion and i couldn't wait to be in his arms again. " u ready " brandon asked. " yes are u " i asked. " no " he said. " why not " i asked. " because today is the day u guys are getting back together and that means i'm losing u again " he said. " aww b u will never lose me i will always be your best friend ok " i said. " ok " he said hugging me. I hugged him back then looked at myself in the mirror one more time. " ok i'm ready " i said smiling. " lets go " he said. We left and drove to where zion and i are supposed to meet up. Once we got there i put on more lip gloss and smiled. " do u want us to wait with u " brandon asked. " no i'll be fine " i said. " ok have fun " he said smiling. " u too guys " i said. " we will " dylan said making me smile. " ok bye guys love you " i said getting out of the car. " love u too " brandon said. I closed the door and walked into the restaurant. I didn't see zion so i sat down and waited for him. 5 Minutes have passed by and zion still isn't here he's probably stuck in traffic.

2 Hours Later

It's been 2 hours and zion still hasn't shown up. " excuse me ma'am are u have been sitting here for 2 hours now " a waiter said. " I KNOW OK " i yelled at him. " i'm sorry ma'am but i'm gonna have to ask you to leave the premises unless u want to eat " he said. " no i'll go " i said grabbing my stuff. " i'm sorry ma'am " he said. " yea have a good night " i said. " you too " he said. I walked out of the restaurant and called brandon.

Brandon: Hello

Evelyn: Hey can you come pick me up

Brandon: Course from where

Evelyn: The restaurant

Brandon: Ok be there in 5

I hung up the phone and waited for them to pull up. When they pulled up i got into the car and looked at brandon then broke down into tears. " hey hey what's wrong " he asked. " am i not good enough for people " i asked. " your perfect why would u even ask something like that " he asked. " because he stood me up " i said. " wait what " he said. " he didn't show up and he didn't even call me or send me a text saying that he wasn't coming " i said. " i'm so sorry eve " he said hugging me. " can u take me to his house " i asked. " eve " he said. " please i just want to know why he didn't show up" i said. " fine " he said. He drove to zion's house and i couldn't stop thinking about maybe he moved on. When we got to his house i was the first one to get down from the car. I rang their doorbell and mandy opened the door. " oh hi eve " she said hugging me. " hi is zion here " i asked. " yea why what's wrong " she asked. " i really need to talk to him " i said. " of course come in and i'll get him " she said. " ok thank u also my little brother and brandon are here is that ok " i asked. " of course " she said. We walked in and she closed the door. " ZION " she called. " YEA MOM " he yelled back. " CAN U COME HERE " she said. He walked down the stairs but when he saw me he froze. " eve w-w-what are u doing here " he asked. " why zion " i asked. " why what " he said. " why zion " i said getting teary eyed. " i'm sorry eve " he said. I walked up to him and lifted up his hoodie to see his chest covered in fresh hickeys then i snatched his hood off of his head to see his neck covered as well. " so instead of u just telling me the truth u decided to leave me SITTING IN A RESTAURANT FOR 2 HOURS ALL ALONE " i yelled letting tears fall. " EVE I'M SORRY OK " he yelled. " WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME " i yelled. " BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO SEE ME LIKE THIS EVE THIS IS EMBARRASSING " he yelled. " EMBARRASSED UR EMBARRASSED REALLY WHAT ABOUT ME I LOOKED LIKE A FOOL SITTING THERE WAITING FOR U TO SHOW UP AND U NEVER DID ZION " i yelled. He looked down and i cried even harder. " when " i asked. " when what " he said. " when did u get those " i asked not looking at him. " last night " he said. " who gave them to you " i said not looking at him. " eve " he said. " WHO GAVE THEM TO YOU ZION " i yelled. He took a deep breath and played with his fingers. " lilly " he said. When i heard that name it broke my heart. " my ex best friend " i asked. He nodded and i didn't believe him. " the one my ex boyfriend cheated on me with " i asked. " yea " he said looking down. " how could u " i said running up to him. I started hitting his chest and cried even harder. " HOW COULD I. YOUR THE ONE THAT FUCKED BRANDON THE NIGHT WE BROKE UP " he yelled grabbing my arms. " AND U FUCKED HER AN HOUR AFTER U GUYS BROKE UP " elom yelled. I looked back at elom and saw he was mad. " is it true zion " i asked. " i'm sorry eve " he said. I snatched my arms away and put my face into my hands crying even harder. " i can't believe i fell for zion kuwonu the biggest fuckboy in school " i scoffed. " EXCUSE ME BUT I TREATED U LIKE A PRINCESS " he yelled. " AND I TREATED U LIKE A KING " i yelled back. " HOW AM I THE BIGGEST FUCKBOY IN SCHOOL " he yelled. " BECAUSE ALL U DO IS FUCK GIRLS AND MOVE ON LIKE WE DON'T HAVE FEELINGS " i yelled. " WE NEVER HAD SEX " he yelled. " BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE IT AWAY TO JUST ANYONE " i yelled. " REALLY BECAUSE U GAVE IT TO BRANDON VERY EASILY " he yelled. " OMG evelyn i didn't mean it " he said trying to grab me but i slapped him. " zion i was actually going to give u another chance but i'm so done this is it zion from now on we are just best friends and if u don't like that then i don't know " i said. " no eve please give me another chance " he said. " i'm sorry z but i have to go " i said. I walked over to brandon and dylan. " thank u mandy for everything " i said hugging her. " of course come visit soon " she said. " thank u elom for being a good friend " i said hugging him. " of course we need to hang out soon " he said. " yea we do " i said. I was about to walk out when i turned around and ran up to zion. " don't cry over me " i said wiping his tears away. " i'm sorry eve " he said. " it's ok z " i said. " please can we try this again i love you so much " he said. " and i love u too but i can't z i'm sorry " i said. " i understand just keep being my best friend " he said. " of course " i said. We starred into each others eyes when he cupped my face and kissed me one last time. This kiss was different it was one of those long, Passionate, sad, break up kisses. The one u know for a fact is the last kiss u will ever share with this person and it broke my heart even more.

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