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When I got home I walked inside slamming the door. I threw my phone against the wall and I threw my keys while screaming as loud as I could. " EVELYN ARE YOU OK " my mom yelled running down the stairs. I fell down to my knees in tears. " it was all fake " I cried even harder. " baby what are you talking about " my mom said kneeling down to my side. " I wanna go home mom " I said crying even harder. " but u are home " she said. " NO MOM I WANT TO GO BACK TO TEXAS " I yelled looking at her. " I'll buy u a ticket for this weekend but your not missing school " she said walking away. I just sat there crying my eyes out.

The Next Day

I woke up to my alarm ringing. Ugh it's only Tuesday and I don't want to go to school but I have too if I wanna go back to Texas. I got out of bed and walked into my closet.

I walked out my closet and looked at myself in the mirror

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I walked out my closet and looked at myself in the mirror. I left my hair down and only put on mascara I wasn't in the mood to look good. I grabbed my stuff and walked downstairs. " good morning eve come eat " my mom said. " not hungry bye mom " I said walking out of my house. I got into my car and drove to Starbucks to get a coffee god knows I need it. I got my coffee and got into my car. Starbucks was so full that it took them 45 minutes just to give me simple coffee which meant I was late to school but I didn't really care. I grabbed my stuff and walked into school. " excuse me miss can u please get a pass " the lady in the office said. " yea whatever " I said getting a pass. Once I got my pass I walked to my first period which was history with Brandon great. I put my hood on then opened the door and walked in. Everyone got quite and looked over at me so I walked to my teachers desk. " ur late " mrs. smith said. " yea I know " I said. " go to your seat " she said. I looked and saw an empty desk and no one sat next to it so I walked up to that desk and sat down. Everyone was doing their work so I put my head down and fell asleep. " EVELYN WAKE UP NOW " mrs. Smith yelled. " Shut up can't you see I'm trying to fucking sleep here " I snapped at her. " yea and I told u to go to your seat " she snapped back. " this is my seat " I said. " Evelyn if u don't go to your seat right now I'll send you to the principals office " she said. " what am I in 3rd grade u really have to send me to the principals office because I want to sit here " I said. " if u don't go sit in YOUR SEAT THEN GET OUT " she yelled. " eve just sit here " Brandon said. " shut the fuck up brandon " I snapped at him. " sorry I was just trying to help " he said. " well don't you've done enough " I said getting my stuff. " and you don't get to call me eve only my friends can call me that " I said standing up. " thank you for going to your seat " mrs. Smith said turning her back towards me. She started writing something when she turned around. " bitch please " I said pushing her out of the way. I went to the nurses office and said I was sick.

A Couple Hours Later

It's now time for lunch and idk who I'm going to sit with. I walked up to my locker and started putting my books in there. " why wouldn't u answer my calls " Brandon said. " because I'm not a hooker " I said. " what are u talking about " he said. I slammed my locker. " don't talk to me Brandon " I said looking down. I looked up at him and my eyes got watery. " Evelyn please don't cry " he said trying to hug me but pushed I him away. " don't touch me " I said walking past him.


The whole week was horrible Brandon keeps on trying to talk to me, I have no friends anymore they all think I cheated I mean I did but they don't know with who, then I'm failing almost all of my classes I just can't wait to leave tomorrow morning. Today is Thursday and I'm leaving tmr at 4 in the morning. I just got home from school and I'm packing for Texas. The doorbell rang and my mom opened the door while I finished packing. A couple minutes later there was knock at my door. " come in " I said walking into my closet. " why are u packing " some guy said. I looked out and saw Brandon standing there. " I told u not to talk to me " I said grabbing more clothes. " ik I just why haven't u been answering my calls or texts " he asked. " like I said I'm not a hooker " I said walking into my closet again. " and I never said u were so why do u call yourself that " he asked. " BC THATS WHAT U MAKE ME FEEL LIKE BRANDON " I yelled walking out of my closet. " I MAKE U FEEL LIKE A HOOKER HOW " he yelled. " BECAUSE U USED ME FOR SEX U DIDN'T LOVE ME U LOVE CHARLOTTE AND WHEN SHE WOULDN'T HAVE SEX WITH U. U WOULD CALL ME AND USE ME BRANDON " I yelled crying. " WHAT MADE U THINK THAT " he yelled. " AFTER WE FOUND NICK AMD CHARLOTTE FUCKING U STARTED CRYING AND WHEN I ASKED U IF U WERE JUST USING ME FOR SEX U DIDN'T ANSWER U JUST LOOKED DOWN WITH A GUILTY LOOK ON YOUR FACE SO DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT " I yelled crying even harder. He just stood there quite. " why are you so hurt " he asked. " because I fucking love u Brandon and I thought u loved me too but I guess I was wrong " I said. I sat down on my bed and dropped my head crying my eyes out. " I love u too " he said. " no don't tell me things I want to hear Brandon DON'T DO THAT " I said standing up. " DO WHAT " he yelled. " DON'T TELL ME U LOVE ME IF U DON'T MEAN IT " I yelled. " BUT I DO MEAN IT EVELYN " he yelled. I just stood there looking at him. He walked up to me and grabbed my hands. " these past 6 months have been the best months of my life I have never been this happy before not even with Charlotte. Yes I cried but thats only because I thought that I loved her I was with her for 3 years then she cheats on me for a whole year of our relationship " he said. " u wanna know something " he asked. I just stood there looking down at the ground. " I didn't realize that I loved u until I lost u and it was too late I knew that u didn't want to talk to me anymore and shit idek why ur talking to me now because what I did was not ok " he said bending down so we were looking eye to eye. I looked up at him then remembered something. " then why do u tell everyone that I cheated " I said pulling my hands away. " I mean technically u did and nick told the group that u cheated " he said. " ok but u cheated too and I'm the only one getting called a slut or whore and nobody even knows that ur the guy " I said. " nick didn't want anyone knowing that I was the guy because we are brothers. " he said. " so I don't even have friends anymore at all and I'm failing all of my classes " I said. " I just want to die " I said crying. " hey don't ever say that again ok " Brandon said hugging me. I cried into his chest until I pulled away. When I pulled away we stared into each other's eyes. He cupped my face and smashed his lips onto mine. We pulled apart to catch our breaths.

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