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We all got dressed and now it was time to wake dylan up. " hey dyl " I said shaking him. " yea " he said rubbing his eyes. " come on it's time to get up " I Said. " why what time is it " he asked. " it's 9 " I said. " I'm late for school " he said. " no bud u aren't going today " I said. " wait why " he asked. " because we are going to a funeral " I said. " really who died " he asked. I looked down and my eyes started tearing up. " I'm sorry I didn't tell u sooner bud " I said. " what are u talking about " he said. " it's moms funeral " I said. " wait what " he said getting tears in his eyes. " mom died the day I picked u up from her boyfriends house " I said crying. " why didn't u tell me " he asked. " I didn't know how to " I said. " get out " he said. " wait what " I asked confused. " I HATE U GET OUT OF MY ROOM EVE I NEVER WANT TO TALK TO U AGAIN " he yelled. " dyl " I said shocked. " GET OUT I DONT LOVE U ANYMORE " he yelled. " but dyl please " I said. " LEAVE ME ALONE EVE I HATE U " he yelled. I walked out of his room and Brandon ran up to me. I ran into his arms and started crying even harder. " what happened " he asked. " I told him about my mom and he told me he hated me and that he never wanted to talk to me again " I said. " aww baby I'm so sorry " he said. " I hate myself " I said walking past him. I walked into my room and got ready then walked downstairs. " eve are u ok " tif asked. " I'm going to be waiting in the car can u make sure that Dylan gets dressed please his clothes are on his bed " I asked. " yes of course " she said. " and we have to leave in 20 minutes or we are going to be late " I said. I got into the car and turned it on waiting on everyone to get in. After a couple minutes everyone got in and I pulled out of the drive way. " are u ready for your speech " Zion asked. " uhhh no I never thought I would have to write one but I thought wrong " I said sighing. " did u write one though " Edwin asked. " no " I said. " WAIT WHAT " Austin said. " Just wait and see guys " I said. We finally got to the service and I walked in seeing family that I haven't seen in years. " we're sorry for ur loss " the priest said. " thank u " I said. " eve baby " someone said tapping on me. When I turned around I saw my grandma and grandpa. " grandma grandpa " I said hugging them. " hey honey how are u doing " my grandpa asked. " I'm going grandpa " I said looking down. " we're so sorry sweetie " my grandma said crying. " no grandma please don't cry " I said wiping her tears away. " can I have everyone sit down so we can start " my aunt alice said into the mic. We all sat down and Brandon grabbed my hand causing me to look at him. We went through the service and now it was my turn to talk. " I would now like to welcome Evelyn Rowan carol's lovely daughter " my aunt said. I looked over at Brandon and he kissed my cheek. I stood up and walked up to my moms casket grabbing the mic from my aunt. " thank u auntie " I said hugging her. " ofc my love " she said. " well hello everyone if u don't know who I am my name is Evelyn Rowan and i am her daughter " I said. I looked at my mom and tears started flooding my eyes. " I didn't write anything down so u guys know this is from the heart but damn this hurts " I said crying. " I never thought I would be burying my mother let alone this soon. My mother was a beautiful person with a warm-kind heart. She was always making sure that everyone was ok and had everything they needed she was my bestfriend " I said looking down. " I wasn't the perfect daughter my mom and I fought often believe it or not and right before she died we got into a argument over her awful boyfriend at the time but I told her I wanted her out of the house so she packed a bag and left but right before she left she told me she loved me and what did I say to her " I said then stopped to cry even harder. " I said bye mom I couldn't even say I love u back and I hate myself everyday for it. today the most hardest day of my life and I want to say that I'm so sorry mom I love u so much and I told u that a little too late and I know that your in a better place but I need u here with me so u can see how my life turns out and so u can see dyl grow up. I can't do this on my own mom please come back mom please " I said about to fall to my knees but Brandon grabbed me. " baby finish this speech u got it " he said. " no I can't u finish it " I said. " uhh hi I'm Brandon arreaga eve's boyfriend and she told me to finish her speech for her so I'll do my best " he said making everyone laugh a little. " carol was a second mom to me whenever I needed something she would make sure that I had it. She was so selfless and I loved that about her. She was an amazing strong women not only for Dylan but for eve. She actually took me and my friends in under her wing when she first met us and it's crazy to think that a month ago today I could walk straight into their house and walk up to her saying hi mom how are u today and she would answer with the biggest smile on her face. Oh and her smile could light up a room all she would have to do is smile this women left way too soon and she will be missed by everyone. Thank you carol for doing everything that u did thank u for always being there for me I love u Rest In Peace mom " Brandon said crying. " HE'S NOT EVEN FAMILY " my dad yelled standing up. " he's more family then u ever were " my aunt said. " stay out of it whore " my dad said. " hey either u respect women or leave " Brandon said. " I'm not leaving " my dad said. " right I forgot u don't know how to respect women u just hit them instead right isn't that why carol left u isn't that why eve came back from Texas early because u hit her too oh and let's not forget about how u were drugging Dylan " Brandon Said. " that's it u bastard " my dad said walking up to Brandon and hitting him. " NO STOP " I yelled. Now they were fighting and the boys got up to try to stop it. Zion was able to pull Brandon off of my dad while nick held my dad back. " let go of me u prick " my dad said. " are u kidding me " I said walking up to my dad. " hey honey " he said. " NO DONT HEY HONEY ME U SHOW UP TO MY MOMS FUNERAL HIGH OFF OF YOUR ASS THEN YOUR HELLA DISRESPECTFUL THEN U FIGHT MY BOYFRIEND THAT TALKED ABOUT YOUR EX WIFE THAT U LOST BECAUSE U COULDN'T STOP WITH THE DRUGS THIS WAS THE FINAL LINE AND U CROSSED IT I WANT U OUT OF MY LIFE AND DYLANS LIFE FOREVER DONT TRY TO BE A FATHER TO US BECAUSE U NEVER REALLY WERE ONE AND LEAVE U ASSHOLE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE " I yelled at my dad. " but eve " my dad said. " I hope u rot in hell " I said. " babe " Brandon Said. " we're leaving let's go " I said grabbing my stuff.

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