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Ik Im late but I couldn't bring myself to write about him. Just looking at his picture or hearing his name makes me cry. I loved him so much and when I heard about him dying my heart broke into a million pieces. My heart goes out to his family and friends that knew him Ik they are broken and it's going to take them a while to get back to normal. RIP Cameron Boyce 😭🥺🤧💔


When we got back to my house we walked in and we all sat down on the couch. " eve " dylan said. " yea dyl " i said. " where's mommy and why is everyone crying " he asked. " should i tell him " i asked the group. " i don't know " edwin said. " i say wait a little bit " brandon said. " umm mommy is at richards house still " i lied. " ok but why are u guys crying " he asked. " because we were thinking of something sad " i said. " but it's getting late so lets get you into bed " i said picking him up. " ok goodnight guys " he said. " goodnight dyl we love u " tif said. " love u guys too " he said. We walked upstairs and i changed his clothes then laid him down in his bed. " can i watch tv " he asked. " yes u can but u have to go to sleep soon " i said. " ok thank u " he said kissing my cheek. " goodnight buddy love u " i said walking to his door. " goodnight eve i love u too " he said. I turned off his lights then closed the door and walked downstairs. " is he asleep " zion asked. " he watching tv in his room but i told him to go to sleep " i said walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water and all of my emotions came rushing back to me and i couldn't take it. I threw the cup and fell to my knee's. " why did u leave so soon " i said crying into my hands. The group ran up to me and brandon helped me up. " i know it hurts baby " he said. " it hurts so bad she left too early " i said. " we should stay the night again so your not all alone " edwin said. " ok " i said.

2 Weeks Later

It has been 2 weeks since my mom died and it has been hard but i have been managing. " hey eve my mom said she picked up dylan early because he wasn't feeling good " nick said. " ok tell her i said thank u " i said. to catch u up on things dylan and i still go to school but since he gets out before we do nick's mom picks him up everyday after school then when we get out i give nick a ride home and pick dylan up. " eve have u called your dad " tif said. " no i kinda don't want him to be there but he was married to her and had 2 kids with her so i feel like he should be there " i said. " no " all of the guys said. " why not it's her dad " char said. " I'm sorry but this man has put his hands on her " Brandon said getting mad. " but he's my dad " I said. " do u even want him there " Zion asked. I looked down and really thought about it. " babe he's caused ur family so much pain do u really want him there " Brandon said. " no I don't want him there but I have to think about Dylan and what my mom would have wanted " I said. " fine call him " Edwin said making all the guys look at him. " what fuck do u mean " nick growled. " guys she's going through enough she's a 17 year old that is planning her moms funeral " Edwin Said. " fine but he's not staying in the house with u " Brandon said. " and if he is we are all staying too " Austin said. I sighed pulling out my phone and dialing his number.

Dad: Hello

Evelyn: Hey dad it's eve

Dad: Oh hi eve is everything ok

Evelyn: I wish i could say yes but then i would be lying to you

Dad: Ok what's wrong

Evelyn: Umm so about 2 weeks ago mom passed away

Dad: Wait what but how

Evelyn: Her boyfriend shot her

Dad: Why

Evelyn: Long story short we threw zion a birthday party so nick's mom was watching dylan well while they were at the store mom's boyfriend at the time had taken dylan out of the basket when nick's mom wasn't looking so mom told me and i guess he told her that if she told anybody they had dylan it would go bad for her so we went and picked up dylan and he just shot her right there

Dad: OMG did dylan see it

Evelyn: No but the rest of us did

Dad: Wow i'm so sorry eve

Evelyn: It's ok but next week we are having her funeral and i was wondering if u would like to come

Dad: Of course i'll be there just tell me what day and what time

Evelyn: Ok bye dad i have to go now

I hung up the phone and put it down. " so how did it go " brandon asked. " he said he'll be there " i said. " that's good right " edwin said. " lets see if he keeps his promise " i said. " eve " nick said. " yea " i said. " when are u going to tell him " he said. " tell who " i said. " don't play dumb " nick said. " i don't know when the time is right " i said. " why not " edwin asked. " because dylan is just a little kid a 7 year old and his mom died that's going to be so hard for him to hear " i said. " well u need to tell him before her funeral because our families are going with us " zion said. " i know i think i might tell him tonight " i said. " ok do you want us there " brandon asked. " no it's ok but i'll call u if i need to ok " i said. " ok " everyone said. Then the bell rang which meant lunch was over and it was now time for class yay. it was getting harder and harder for me to concentrate during class all i could think about was how i missed her and how i wish our relationship was better and i wish i would've been able to tell her that i loved more then i hated her and now to think about it i used to tell my mom that i hated her a lot and rarely told her that i loved her but she still loved me and that's what i loved so much about my mother. Is that no matter what u do or say to her she will always care and have love for u and that's what what made her such and amazing person that i missed so much.

Not Mine (Brandon Arreaga story )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora