part 4

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"it's nice to be cooking in a real kitchen again." lori stated, a wide smile on her face.

marcella had decided to join the two cooking dinner for the greene's (with beth's and patricia's help) as to keep her distracted from the whole glenn situation.

"oh yeah?"

"i never thought i'd be so happy to see a potato." carol joked, the four laughing as marcella remained quiet, chopping vegetables in frustration.

she struggled slightly, not having much experience with cooking at all, yet with the minimal knife training from daryl and rick, she had gotten more control over the knife, making chopping vegetables a little easier than it used to be.

"i'm just glad we're not roasting squirrels over a fire in the woods." lori commented.

"thankyou patricia so much, for just letting us into your house." carol commented again.

the talking between the four women continued, nobody really taking notice of marcella's lack of enthusiasm.

"you been okay, you look down?" carol asked marcella as she put a hand on the younger woman's shoulder.

"i need to go and get the clothes off the washing line." she told carol with a fake smile before leaving the kitchen quickly.

marcella needed some fresh air, so she walked outside, just wanting to get away from everything.

as marcella walked away from the large house, frustration present in her walk, she made eye contact with glenn who was walking away from the campervan.

the brunette girl looked away after a moment, knowing that if she were to keep eye contact with him for any longer she would fall for him all over again.

and then that's when she realised why she was so mad at glenn for caring; she cares about him more than she cares about herself and that scares the shit out of her. but what marcella doesn't realise is that glenn feels the exact same way.

but despite marcella's realisation, she still walked past glenn, too scared of everything to even spare him a look.

but she couldn't act on fear for ever.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now