part 6

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as maggie, glenn and marcella reached the farm, maggie stormed ahead angrily. she slammed open the gate, shouting towards a nearby lori.

"hey!" lori looked toward the three, worry present on her pale face. "we got your stuff." maggie finished.

glenn then began running after her. "maggie, hang on, please!" he called as marcella shut the gate.

"come- come on, in here." lori instructed, not wanting anybody else to witness the exchange.

"why? nothing to hide! we got your special delivery right here!" maggie shouted at lori, anger and fright fuelling her actions and tone of voice. maggie then began to list off the items, slamming them on the bench as she did so. "we got your lotion, special conditioner, your soap opera digest."


"next time you want something, you get it your damn self. we're not your errand boys!" maggie told lori, clearly still distressed from earlier.

"hon, i-" lori was practically speechless.

maggie picked up a small box that had fell onto the ground. "and here's your abortion pills." and with that maggie stormed off, pushing past marcella and glenn as she left.

there was a moment of silence between the three, before marcella spoke up.

"i'll go talk to her." she muttered to the two before leaving.


"hey." marcella began, sitting next to maggie on the porch, somewhere that maggie sat a lot.


"i don't blame you for being angry at lori-" maggie cut marcella off,needing to get out her emotions.

"i wasn't angry, i was just scared. because if one of them can do that then how much can a group of them do?" there was a pause before maggie spoke up again. "i shouldn't have shouted at her, she's going through enough."

"maggie i know how you feel." marcella assured the girl, maggie then turning to her so that they were now making eyecontact.

"you do?"

"truth is, i'm fucking terrified."

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now