Chapter 2

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I've never been one for sleeping much, I get in what I can in between the nightmares and it's enough to keep me healthy, but otherwise I'm very much a night owl. Hogwarts is quiet as I stroll through the halls, which I would expect for the middle of the night, and it gives me a chance to calmly get to know my way around.

I expected ghosts and snoring paintings, but not a scuffling noise of shoes down the dark corridor to my right, so I stop and wait for conversation or more movements. From what I can make out, there are four boys; one with glasses, one with long black one, one rather slender and the other short and chubby.

"Come on, people will be getting up soon." Glasses kid whispers to the others who murmur in agreement.

"Hey, what do you think of that new girl?"

"She seems nice enough." Slender kid commented, oh how nice of him.

"Pretty nice looking." Shaggy hair kid says and I roll my eyes. How typical.

"That's nothing new, coming from you though Paddy" Glasses says. What sort of name is Paddy?

They're walking my way so I tip toe run to the corridor opposite and crouch in the shadows as they walk past, waiting a bit before going back to bed.

The next morning, Lily and I go down to breakfast and sit down next to the toast tray.

"Did you sleep well, I heard you get up at some point?"

"Oh, it takes me a while to adjust to new places, I should be fine by next week."

Thankfully the night time wondering helped with getting to lessons, and Lily was with me for most of them so the morning went fairly well. I'm not one for concentrating though, my mind wondering easily, but Lily seems to be a bit of a nerd so should be fine for notes.

The greasy haired Severus joined us for Lunch and came along to sit by the lake. They're nice enough people, even if Severus can be a bit antisocial, and I'm glad to be making friends but just as they ask me a question about where I was born, a jinx of some sort flew past my ear and right into Severus's face.

His teeth started growing at a painfully fast speed and he gets up, running off presumably to the hospital ward while Lil whips around to stare at the culprit. Obviously recognising them, she storms over and I trail behind carefully.

You know what they say about red heads; fiery tempers.

I have to be good at controlling my emotions, my anger in particular because if I don't my elements will show and the whole world that doesn't already know, will know I'm an elemental. So I take to listening

"What did he ever do to you?!" She really was angry, they must do it a lot.

"Well maybe the fact that he exists." Glasses kid says. They're the same guys from last night.

"You're so infuritaing-" She starts to say but is cut off by Glasses, who seems to be the ringleader of his group.

"Go out with me Evans?"

My eyes widen; Are all the British men this forward?

"NO!!! I will never go out with you, EVER! Come on Summer, these are the people I was telling you about."

These are the guys who go around pranking everyone? There's nothing wrong with a few pranks, but there's seem a little eccentric.

"But Lil, I can still prank right? I promise they won't get me in trouble."

She huffs but smiles a bit. "It's not like I'd be able to stop you."

We make our way to the hospital ward then, the boys gone from my mind for now.

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