Chapter 35

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May is fast approaching and I can't believe that in three months fourth year will be over! It seems like yesterday I was sat on my own in that train compartment and now I have the best five friends of my life and a boyfriend as well.
You did well Summer.
It's been so sunny for the past few weeks and I'm not a big fan of the sun but it's bearable. Lily likes to sunbathe as she's one of the few gingers that tans. I could get a tan if I wanted but I like my pale skin. Pale like a vampire, not that anyone minds.Peters is on the 26th making him the youngest. I've got him a new watch and a pair of shoes he once pointed out to me.
Then it's no ones birthday till mine and Sirius's come back round in November which is ages away.

I have recently found something better than Hershey's chocolate. Lily brought me some back from hogsmeade. There's a new muggle area in honeydukes and she brought me a jar of chocolate stuff called Nutella.
It's pure heaven.
And It tastes even better melted.
Just - mmmmm.
I love chocolate.
She even brought me a spoon that had the words 'life is better when you eat Nutella' carved into the handle.
I don't share my Nutella.
Or any of my food.

"It's getting closer."


"Don't even think about running outside in it."

"Aww you're no fun!"

"Last time you danced in the rain we both got ill, I'm not going through that again."

"But dancing in the rain is fun!"

"Not going to happen."

"I'll dance by myself then!"

"No you're going to stay inside with me, you can help me with my homework!"

"Oh how fun."

"If you l help me I'll let you go out In it with a coat on."


"Only for five minutes though!"

"Better than nothing!"

A storm is approaching. as I suspected. It's always more warm before a storm and today was hotter than usual. Rain and lightning and thunder. my favourites.
I set to work helping Sirius with his homework so I can get out there as soon as possible.



stomping back over to Sirius I grab my coat and throw it on before running back In to the pouring rain.
I don't see why people hate the rain so much.
Sirius doesn't like it because his hair goes all frizzy and he hates his hair frizzy. I couldn't give a damn about my hair.
Dancing on my own in the rain isn't fun but at least I'm out here.

"Summer it's been five minutes come on now!"

Oh no Mr Black, you should've known I would come easily.
I laugh to myself ignoring him.


"You'll have to come get me!"

"Summer! You know I don't like the rain!"

"I know that's why I said it."

I close my eyes and continue turning round and round.
That is until I'm picked up and thrown over Sirius's shoulder.

"Hey!! Put me down!"



"this is the only way to get you inside."

"But I don't want to go inside!"

I'm whining like a four year old and attracting a lot of attention.

"You don't want to cuddle with me and eat Nutella?"

I stop.
Good bargain.

"As long as you have your own Nutella because - "

"Because you don't look sharing I know."

He sits me on the bed and I fall back closing my eyes.

"Your beds going to be all wet now."

"I'll dry it."

"Okay, I got you some more Nutella."

"Thanks where is it?"

"In your drawer."

"Thanks prongsie."

"Not at all lady."

Sirius and I cuddle as promised and I'm dunking some marshmallows into my melted Nutella, then I shove them in my mouth.
Because I can and any one that tells me other wise can have my foot up there ass.
Sirius put his away after a few spoons.
He can't take all the chocolate, Remus on the other hand is drooling at the sight of it.
He's not getting any of mine.
I laugh out loud thinking about the time James got blamed when I ate one of Remus chocolate bars.

"What's funny?"

"Remember when James ate your chocolate bar?"


"It wasn't me!!"

"It wasn't James, it was me!"

and I laugh some more and the triumphant face that James pulls and the shocked one Remus pulls.

"I told you it wasn't me!!"


I magically lock my kid onto my Nutella to go brush my teeth, still laughing.
Nutella may be good but you have to brush after eating it.

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