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After Fredrick was buried. The Gang Leaders left have been deciding who will take his place next to become the new Leader of the Gang's. At that evening they sit for a meeting. Damien and Calyx were there too.

All the few Leaders held by Fredrick were busy talking when Damien suddenly stood up.

"We don't have to waste time here anymore." Damien said angrily.  Then he smirk at the people there.

"You all know more than anyone that no one else can replace Collins except me or Calyx!"  Damien said firmly and emphatically.

The people there looked on Damien then Calyx.

"And I will not allow myself to miss the seat!"  Damien said angrily.  Then he sat cross-legged.

Calyx was quiet in his chair he knew the reason why Damien sought the position. "To avenge their Boss and Friend Fredrick!"
Calyx was listening and grinning.
"If Damien didn't take the move he will also do it for Collins."

"Now if anyone of you wants to object, think carefully first!"  Damien said then smiled foolishly.

Everyone knows Damien's capacity and just like Collins, Humson is smart and violent at work.  So no long talk took place.

Damien has already taken the place.  Grinning, Calyx and Damien clenched their fists.

Some Men's are happy that Humson took Fredrick position, some are not but just few and they can't do any as for that now.

And in the days that followed, Ymari's father became busy with his duties.

One morning Damien received a call from the child's school.

Damien shook his head.  He knew that his daughter was into fight again so he called Clayx to prepare and go with him to Ymari's school.

"It seems that the Ymari' getting into fights again.  Calyx said to Damien jokingly.

Damien smirk.
"I know my daughter will not rush it for no reason." Damien shook his head while replying to Calyx.

"You are right, but Ymari is still a woman even we knew that she can defend herself its not nice. She's grown lady. Calyx seriuosly answered Damien.

"I knew that. But still I am thankful because you trained her well while I was busy." Smiling Damien said to the friend.
"What ever my Daughter's skill having right now its all on you."

Calyx just grin and said,
"Ymari is my child too don't forget that." And Damien smiled at him.

When they arrived at the school, they went straight to the principal's office. They sat there while Ymari was called.

They found out that Ymari  kicked his classmate because they tripped her in the hallway.

Damien was angry with the teacher and told them that Ymari was always being bullied.  So there is nothing wrong with defending itself.

"Next time this will happen ill not let go for it, im warning you and all of you will be responsible for it!" Damien loud voice echoed in that office.

Ymari is in the corner. She then look at her classmate and smirk.

Calyx and her father had already left the Principal's school.

"Is that Ymari's father?"  Andrew asked Zack who was also looking at them.  Zack also saw the man who always delivered the Ymari.

"So, Ymari's Father and his bodyguard.  Zack whispered to himself as he scratched his nape.

"Ymari's father looks like a Gangster, and not just the easy one. I'll not wonder why Ymari is like that." Andrew said and shook his head.

Zack looked at Andrew.
"What's wrong if her Father is Gangster?" Zack said as he thought of something and looked at Ymari's father. He then clench his fist.

"Dad." Ymari called her father when she delivered the two to the car.

Damien sighed before facing his child and say's
"Always be careful and when they do it again, just let me take care of it okay?" 

Ymari smiled at what her father said. She thought he would scold her again.  Ymari hugged her father before they got into the car with Calyx.

Going home, another of her father staff picked her up because Damien was with Calyx on his walk. 

Ymari noticed the car that was always on their tails. She has been seeing it for a few days now and is always outside their school. She just shrugged. And never did not tell his father.

On the other hand.  William look at some photos of Damien's daughter taken at her school.

Suddenly, one of his men came inside and said that some of their comrades were caught because of Damien's group and were held up in his place.

"This is what Im saying that Damien Humson will really be a thorn in his side." William's angrily said.

Her daughter, do you know what is her daily activities? Watch her carefully on where she's going then report immediately.

"She will be the one I will use against her father." In William's mind.

The next few days Ymari noticed about that car still. He check on the people who was in that car and took some photos of it. And it was there that she told her father.

"Why did you just say that now?" Her father asked her in surprise and his angry.

"Dad, I made sure first that I was really the purpose of those, and I am right in my suspicion, they only always followed just me!"  Ymari's long explanation to her father.

"Fortunately, your child is also smart."  Calyx told Damien when Ymari came out of her Father's office.

Damien had been thinking about this before. 
"Assign some of our staff to monitor Ymari at school secretly.
Watch out for those people and bring them alive. We need to know their intention to my daughter and who ordered them."
Damien said angrily.

"I have a feeling they came from William." Calyx answered him with a darken face.

Damien nodded as his palms clenched.

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