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Ymari yawned as she went down, she was already dressed and ready to go off to school but was still drowsy she came home late because of last night events.

"Eat that first Ymari."
Calyx told her when he saw her coming out.

"Hmm, I'm late!"  Ymari grumbled.

Calyx then just took the plate with sandwiches in it.

"Let's go!" Calyx said and handed the plate at once to Ymari.

Ymari looked at Calyx.

"What is this, my lunchbox?" Ymari laughed.

"Eat while we are in the car." Calyx shook his head and said.

"You got no sleep." Later Calyx says to Ymari.

Ymari stiffened in her seat. Then think for a reason she could say.

"I reviewed a lot last night."  Ymari gave a short answer and then immediately ate the sandwich.

And Calyx did not say a word again. Until they arrive to her school.

"Thanks for the sandwich." Ymari said to Calyx. And he just Grin.

She went inside the school thinking about Calyx might have feeling about what she did last night. That afternoon when he came home from school.

"Tell me the truth Ymari did you go to William's house last night?" Calyx asked him as his eyes focused on driving. Ymari sat up straight.

"The real strength of Calyx sense of smell."  Ymari said in her mind.

"Didn't I review last night." Annoyed Ymari said.
"Another reason, why I should go there?"

Calyx just looked at her deeply.  Then sigh.

"I know you Ymari. Do not forget that I was with your Dad as you grew up. And big thing is, I also trained you, I know your every move and tactics." Calyx uttered a long and heavy word to Ymari.

"Do not repeat to act alone. Tell me and I will accompany you."  Said Calyx.

Ymari suddenly looked at Calyx and then smiled.
"Thanks Uncle."
Then he hugged the man.

"There was no other choice, than she walked alone, So, better I just accompany her. She's stubborn like his Father.  In Calyx's mind.

"Sorry Damien!" Calyx whispered.

Ymari laughed, because of what she heard from him.

"Oh, your too cute Uncle." Teased Ymari to Calyx.

"Just cut it off!" Calyx said controlling not to smile.

That night it reach to her father what happened at William's house.

"That idiot probably thinks we are behind that."  Damien said angrily then smirk.

Calyx and Ymari looked at each other.

"Well, let him think that. If he acts aggressively we can catch him more easily." Calyx just shrugged.

Ymari was already in the room when Zack called.

"Panda baby?" He uttered first.
"Zack don't call me Panda Baby!" Ymari says to Zack.

Zack laughed on the other line.  "What's wrong there? I wanted to call you that way. Panda baby."
Zack said again.

"Do... I look panda in your eyes?"  Ymari said seriously.

"Why? Your cute like a Panda after that your my Baby." 
Zack also said seriously.

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