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"Are you ready?" Damien asked Ymari. That time they were going to where her Mother Freya lives.

Ymari smiled warmly at Father then nodded.

Calyx was with them driving the car. The other men of the Father followed.

When they arrived in front of her Mother's house. Ymari carefully inspected its residence.

"She simply lives." In Ymari's mind.

A knock on the door caught Freya's attention while cooking.

And upon opening the door Freya was stunned.

"Mom." Ymari cried when she saw Freya.

Freya froze by what she saw. Her daughter and Damien were standing there.

Ymari immediately approached and hugged the stunned Mother.

Tears welled up in Freya's eyes as she looked at Damien. And she also hugged Ymari tightly.

The weeping Damien also approached his daughter and Freya.

In the distance Calyx happily at them.
"His friend will be completely happy." Calyx murmured.

Damien, Freya and Ymari hug each other and cried. And a few minutes later they went inside the house, and talked happily.

In the afternoon came. Freya went home to Damien's house.

In jail. William was waiting for the person who visited him.

"How are you Uncle?" Zack's eyes were sad as he looked at his Uncle.

William sadly looked at his nephew. He immediately hugged him.

"I thought you could bear not to really show up to me." William uttered.

"Sorry Uncle." Zack just said.

"I should apologize to you Zack." William immediately said.

"Go home in our house." Again William pleaded with his nephew who stay away for a long time.

Zack shook his head. Then sigh.

"About Ymari-." William said softly.

"I know everything Uncle you don't have to tell anymore." Zack said sadly and changed the subject.

They talked for a few more minutes before Zack finally left.

William was left in tears. He saw his nephew suffering. And he also knows because of his daughter Ymari. But he did not get chance say anything about it.

The next few days of Ymari's life were happy with Father Damien and her mother.

But it is inevitable that in the evening when she will be alone, the longing for her ex-boyfriend will return.

She has no news about him. It was gone and Zack never showed up again.

Ymari knows the reason.
Because they are cousins, Zack himself voluntarily walked away.

And just like the previous nights.
Ymari burst into tears with tears in her eyes.

Zack, on the other hand, is also drunk every night and still can't accept his fate with Ymari. That he even went far away his girlfriend is still what he is looking for.

One day Ymari's Father told her a surprise.

"Ymari, your Mom and I are getting married." Damien stutters and blushes as he talks to Ymari.

Freya bent down while holding Damien's hand.

Ymari smiled slightly.
"Dad, do I look like your mother that you asking permission for your wedding." Ymari teased her father and then happily hugged the two.

"Ofcourse, I am very happy for you. Mom, Dad. I am the first and happiest person for that decision you had made." Ymari cried.

The family cried again.
After that, the upcoming wedding was gradually discussed.

Ymari left the house then and went somewhere. From the car he saw Zack with Andrew together in the other car.

"Zack" Ymari exclaimed. She wanted to go to the young man but their cars were working.

Her chest tightened again and held back her tears while just looking at Zack. And just remember the times they are still okay and the tragedies have not happened yet.

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