Connal teaches your child how to fly

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Your POV

"You two stop fighting right now," I said as I scolded y/d/n and y/s/n. Y/d/n said while pouting "But mummy...he took my doll and won't give it back". Y/s/n said, "I just wanted to see it". I rolled my eyes and took the doll from y/s/n as I said "This doll belongs to your sister and that is final". I handed the doll back to y/d/n then said "You can't take things that don't belong to you". Y/s/n looked down and said "Ok mummy". I kissed his head and said, "If you have a baby brother you'll be able to play with him". Y/s/n placed his tiny hands on my 6-month baby bump and asked "When is the baby going to arrive mummy?". 

I said, "Not anytime soon". Then I heard Connal say from the entrance of the cave "Or maybe the baby will be here by fall". Y/s/n and y/d/n ran up to Connal and hugged his knees. After Connal hugged the twins he gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead. He asked, "How was your day?". I said "Good. Y/d/n and Y/s/n kept fighting over y/d/n's doll and I collected some strawberries earlier this morning for dessert tonight". Connal smiled and asked as he rubbed my stomach "And how is our little one?". I giggled and said, "The baby is fine. It kicked a few times". Just before Connal could say anything else, y/d/n and y/s/n ran up to Connal and began telling him about their day. 

As they did that, I walked over to the large cauldron at the side of the cave and began to make dinner. Connal asked me "Why are you making dinner so early? It's early afternoon". I giggled and said, "I'm making the soup that you and the twins like so much. You know it takes me a few hours to make so that's why I'm starting early". The twins began to fuss over another one of their toys. Connal said, "The twins are old enough to start to learn about how to fly so I'll take them out and teach them". I said, "Alright but just don't kill them". Connal said, "I won't. See you later tonight".

Connal POV

"Y/d/n, Y/s/n come with me," I said as I started to walk out of the cave. Y/d/n asked, "Why daddy?". I said, "I'm going to teach you two how to fly". Y/d/n and Y/s/n clapped their hands and ran over to me. I picked them up and flew to the top of the mountain we lived on. I sat the twins done and began to teach them how to fly. "Alright so first you'll want to stretch out your wings". I stretched out my wings and the twins followed. "Daddy has big wings," y/s/n said as he and y/d/n stared at my wings. I chuckled and said, "Someday your wings will be as big as mine". Once we finished stretching our wings I said "Alright now we are going to practice flying up". 

I opened my wings and began to flap them hard enough to push me off the ground. As I flew farther up from the twins I said "Now you two try". First, y/d/n tried and when she went to flap her wings she flapped them too hard and caused her to fall on her bottom. Y/s/n then tried and put made the same mistake as y/d/n and fell on his bottom. I landed in front of the twins and said "Ok let's try that again". I stood up y/d/n and said, "Alright open your wings and start flapping them gently". Y/d/n did as I said and began to fly up into the air. She smiled and said, "Look, daddy. I did it". I said, "I see. Now it's your brother's turn". Y/s/n opened his wings and pretty soon he joined y/d/n in the air. 

I smiled and said, "Alright now come back down". The twins did as I said with little to no mistakes. I asked as I tied my dreads into a ponytail "Alright now we are going to jump off the mountain". Y/s/n cheered with excitement but y/d/n shook her head 'no'. She said as tears built in her eyes "N-no. I'm too scared". I kneeled next to y/d/n and said "It's ok y/d/n. I was scared when I first tried this but I soon got the hang of it. I'll go first then your brother. If you still don't want to jump off I won't make you". I then walked over to the edge of the cliff and said "Alright I'm going to jump off first then just follow my lead". I then jumped off the mountain, opened my wings, and glided back up the mountain so I was now facing the twins. Y/s/n laughed and said, "My turn my turn". Then he jumped down and glided back up beside me. I then turned to y/d/n who was debating on either jumping or staying. 

I said, "Remember, you don't have to if you don't want to". Y/d/n took a deep breath without a second thought jumped off the cliff. Once I saw that y/d/n wasn't gliding and instead was free-falling I went after her. I dove as fast as I could to get to y/d/n and screamed as she got closer to the ground "Open your wings". She opened her wings and stopped free-falling. She giggled and screamed, "That wasn't scary daddy. This is fun".  I chuckled and said, "Now that both of you know how to fly let's go fly around for a little". Together y/d/n, y/s/n, and I flew around the mountain. 

Your POV, Late Afternoon

I had finished the soup and was now just waiting for Connal and the twins to come back. Soon they landed in front of the cave and the twins ran up to me. They began telling me about how they learned to fly. I looked at Connal and asked, "Why did I see y/d/n fall from the top of the mountain?". Connal said "I was teaching her how to fly and this is how they learn". I folded my arms and asked "By letting them fall of a mountain?". Connal slightly chuckled and asked " dinner ready?". I giggled and said "Yes, now get cleaned up so we can eat". 

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