You get sick(Borra)

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Borra POV

It was morning and I was starting to make breakfast for everyone. Y/s/n was sitting in his little nest, playing with a wooden spoon. Y/n was still asleep which was odd because she was the one who normally made breakfast while I played with y/s/n. I left the meat to cook over the fire and walked over to y/n to wake her up. I gently shook her arm and said "Y/n it's time to wake up". She didn't move. I shook her arm a little harder and said "Y/n, wake up. Breakfast is almost ready". She still didn't move. At this rate I was starting to panic since she wasn't moving or saying anything. I shook y/n a bit harshly and nearly scream "Y/n, get up. You need to get up". She still didn't move. I then noticed how pale and lifeless she look. I put my hand on her neck to feel her pulse. It was faint. I stopped the fire, picked up y/s/n and y/n, and ran towards Ini's cave. Once I got there I screamed for Ini to wake up. She did and asked while rubbing her eyes "What is it Borra". I said already tearing up "Y/n won't wake up". Ini came over to me and said "Put her in my nest". I put y/n in Ini's nest and Ini began to take care of y/n while y/s/n and I sat outside. A few hours later Ini came outside with two wooden bowls of cooked meat and hand it to me. I said "Thank you. I hope y/n is ok". Ini said with a small smile "She has a really bad fever. If you hadn't brought her here when you did she most likely would have never woken up". I began to feed y/s/n and asked "So she will live right". Ini said "Yes. She will need to stay here for a few days so I can keep a eye on her. I'd say by the end of the week she will be ok to go back home with you". I said "Thank you Ini". Then I stood and left Ini's cave.

One week later

A week had finally passed and it was time to take y/n home. I could tell y/s/n missed her, so did I. Once we were at Ini's cave, I walked in and smiled when I saw y/n sitting up. She wasn't as pale as she was a week ago. I walked up to her and gave her a big hug. I said "I missed you". She smiled and said "I missed you too". Y/s/n began to reach out to y/n and I happily gave him to her. He nuzzled his head into neck and we all went home. 

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