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“I used that think that Heroes were for Justice and that monsters and demons were Evil,” Eliza said.

“I did, too,” Maria said.

“But that concept may be outdated

,” Eliza said.

“So, what are you going to do now that you’ve come this far, Eliza?”

“I’m wondering that myself,” Eliza said. “I haven’t got a clue.”

She looked up at the sky. Countless stars shine in the darkness, a shooting star flies past.

“No matter what decision you make, Eliza, I’ll follow you,” Maria said.

“What do you mean?” Eliza said, smiling.

However, Maria isn’t.

“Who is for Justice and who is Evil—be honest with me, Maria,” Eliza said, “do you think we should slay the Demon King?”

“–I don’t think we have to slay her…” Maria said. “For sure the demons and Demon King are symbols of fear and are often dangerous, but that’s just what I’ve heard. I haven’t lived it and what I’ve experienced is the feelings and the faces of the people. With how happy they are now—I think we don’t need to defeat the Demon King.”

“Thank you for being honest,” Eliza said. “Though I wonder if we can be as frank with them.”

“It seems they’re stuck believing the Demon King needs to be slain,” Maria said.

“Seems like it,” Eliza said. “They’re too clouded by their dreams of being a hero.”

The pounding of bone and scales and roar of the forge echoed throughout the night.

A horde of monsters was flooding into the city. Screams echoed all over the districts as they swarmed the streets.

“Your Majesty!” Slime cried as she rushed into the throne room. “It’s an emergency!”

Without anything or anyone to catch her, she crashed, rolled around, and came to a stop before the throne.

“What’s going on, Slime?” Merle asked.

“Monsters!” Slime yelled. “A horde of monsters!”

Merle leaped out of her throne and looked out to her city from the balcony, now flooded with monsters. It looked like an attack, but none of them seemed to be threatening the humans.

Something is wrong.

Merle ran out of the castle and into the city streets.

The monsters all had fresh cuts on their bodies. She wonders if they had been attacked with a serrated blade, the edges of their wounds were jagged than straight across.

“Your Majesty! What is with this monster horde?!” cried the soldiers who’d followed Merle out, their eyebrows raised as they gazed at the monsters.

“I don’t know, but they don’t seem to be hostile,” Merle said.

A large dog-like monster collapsed in front of Merle and whimpered as it looked up at her.

“On the contrary, I think they’re asking for our help. Right, gather up the soldiers! Get the Guild workers who can treat wounds!”

“Savior Demon King! Can we use the castle and its supplies freely?”

“You know what I mean! Take in the injured! Hurry up!”

“Yes, Savior Demon King!”

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