Chapter 36

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'Compromise is another word for failure.'

Those cold, bitter words never left his mind. They would haunt him in every step he took, and swallow him every fall he made. That was his life after he lost his mother. He would never dare speak ill of his name, yet, he had the audacity to speak ill of himself. 

Red, yet they looked colder than the northern winter which would freeze a person to their demise. 

He never hated his father, like how he never cared for his parent. It was the same mutual feeling he thought he had with the blonde, gifted girl.

Or so he thought. 


"I cannot fail this, if I do...everything will be in crumbles." Rachel sighed as she gazed through Schelias' starry sky filled with fireworks and the buzzing street lights, ignited with the cheerful chattering of the people. She was one step close to her goal, but ten steps further from her dream.

"The letters might be enough to persuade the audience, but if things get out of hand..."

"We'll have to bring the Count with us." Estelle finished the sentence.

"There's something missing, Miss Estelle. If their goal is for us to bring the Count, then I do not see the point. But if their goal is to sabotage your reputation then I have a whole list."

Chuckling at her friend's irony Estelle folded her arms.

"We'll never know what the likes of them are scheming. Since the Yvonne House prospers in the trading of fabric and such, it would be a battle between the two of you." 

"Miss, Rachel," Estelle's tone was dead serious, " after you have attended her party, please do visit this address, there's someone you must see." 

Taking the neat card from the Duchess's hand, Rachel understood her role. 

"You have my word, Duchess." 

And so, the avengers are set to leave the lively duchy first thing in the morning. 

*It concerns me how he's not back yet...*

"My Lady! Thank Goodness...I-i have..t-terrible news.." Swift as a bird, Estelle turned to Leo and rashly asked just what could make the elegant butler gasp shockingly.

"There seems to be reports about an upcoming storm...a-and...bandits..."

"Where is His Grace?" Teal eyes began to form in the midst of the joyful night. 

It was an emotion she barely felt, it wasn't anger, nor hastiness, that she could confirm. Yet it felt as if a wave of insecurity was about to wash her to a shore filled with predatory monsters of concern. 


Yes, it was just a mere concern she felt for her husband, after all, he is the one she must spend her whole life with. And being a widow in high society is a pity, a pity filled with discrimination.

"I-i...I have not received word-" 


A sudden flash of thunder struck the buzzling streets, coating the festive night with fear and rain. 



"You're going with them." As soon as she gave out her orders she rushed to her chambers for a change. 

"What about you My Lady?!"

*I'm going to find my husband.*


The crackle of the trees dancing violently produced sounds of terror for the guards. But inside the small stone cabin, there was only blood. 

"I never thought I had to go this far..."

"You...are a monster.." wiping off the blood from his blade he smirked.

"I've been called worse." the fine man crossed his legs, trying to fall asleep from the sudden downpour. But his short time of relaxation was disturbed by the victim's movement. The unsightly crimson liquid spread through the stone-cold floor, staining the victim's once white attire, into a pink of melancholy.

The Duke left the cabin and ordered the guards to clean up the mess. He knew Schelias well, the routes and paths which leads to areas of beauty. 

Augustus rode his horse towards the forest, ignoring the warnings from the guards, indeed, he knew Schelias well, but what he didn't know was that a certain someone was taking the wrong route. 

A Midsummer BreezeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ