Chapter 27

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Silence coated the carriage ; it was uncomfortable. The same,ugly silence enveloped dinner ; it was suffocating.Estelle was told to explain about her outing,but what could she explain about?Going back to Enchantia,a place where once the Empire attacked,telling him that would only arise more suspicions about the new Duchess.

"So,mind telling me why they're so tense?" Leo asked the nervous maid.

"We went to see Ingrid...and it was my fault this time.But this shall be the last time." Mia straightened her back up.

"Ahh,yes that explains why I was shivering with joy." The butler teased.

After dinner,the Duke and his wife were guided to the his study,the place where Estelle faced a near-death experience. She sat down opposite of Augustus and waited for him to ask.

"So?" He asked.

"Like I addressed Your Grace, we were simply going out to find a dress." She gave a wryly smile.

"And only came back with one,moreover,I'm not that foolish to believe that the stains on your cloaks were tomato juice." He shot her ego down with a business smile.

"...We were attacked by rouges,but some kind mercenaries around the area helped us." She stood up,not wanting him to pry any further.

"I hope that suffices your question Your Grace." Estelle reached for the door,but was halted by the strong monotone of her husband.


*What does he want now?*

"What about the garden? Are the preparations going smoothly?" more questions piled up.

"Yes,the remodeling of the garden is going smooth,after the upcoming I plan to take a trip to Schelias for the newly built saloon. It will be opened as a grocery store for commoners, I have already sent a letter Count Brooklyn for the matter." 

*Let's change the topic shall we?*

"I see,even though Schelias is a part of my Duchy it's still under Count Brooklyn's restrictions,do your best not to upset him." Estelle simply bowed,agreeing to his methods. They were easy ; strip the Count off of his title. 

"You will attend the banquet with me. Make sure you handle Schelias by the time of the hunting ceremony. In short,I'm giving you a year." Augustus limited her growth,a year,it wasn't enough,but she had to make it enough.

"Yes Your Grace,I will not taint the Zade household." She then headed back to her chambers,but Mia was absent.

*I realized,no matter how much time I part myself from her,a part of me wishes for her presence..."taint" huh? I guess my hands are tainted with her blood.How would you see me when you find out? I wonder how...Estelle...*


"How is she?" Leo asked the maid in the night garden,buds of roses were lined up like a carpet on the leaves. 

"She's doing fine,as energetic as always." Mia answered.Guilt washed over her like high tide.

"Haha...does she carry it around with her? The dagger I gave her." His hair came loose as the midsummer breeze blew, his amethyst eyes reflecting the lonely moon of the cool night. 

*How hard it must have been...*

*For the both of us...*

"She stills throws it flawlessly...she's now.."

"I know...she's now a Guardian.I wish that day never came,so that I could've at least congratulated her on becoming one." his back was turned to her,but Mia could tell,he was crying with the dead. She reached out to him,as he turned his back,he was truly sobbing. Mia hugged her friend,she's seen the face of missing someone so dearly,the face of remorse and the face filled with affection for one person.

One person out of the entire world. 

"H-how it b-be-been...since I saw her smile...? I-i..miss h-her..Mia...I miss m-my dearly..."

*It's foolish,of how I've become so weak and vulnerable. I want to go back. But as long as the curse is on me,I can never go back to's foolish..but...*


"Shhh,it's okay...I miss Hestia too. But the main point is," She parted from Leo and wiped his tears.

"You still have a chance,I can no longer see Hestia but only visit where she rests. But for you,you can see her.Time will heal. And time will reunite you both." Mia was rarely gentle with Leo,but she knew this time - he needed to stop breaking.

"And she still wears the pin you gave her.When I visited it was on her right bangs,just as you like it. The white on the pin suits the lone wolf." Mia smiled making Leo let out a chuckle.

"Well,pardon me for showing this to you." he backed away and waved to her.

"Return to her side,I shall see through a sufficient dress for My Lady." Mia nodded at the butler.

*Sometimes memories bring back emotions,emotions you wish that were never there...maybe I should plant some sunflowers near her bed...because you always loved them...*

<I apologize if this chapter was short,but I've been recently working on two new stories TvT. I may take a break from "A Midsummer Breeze" but I won't abandon it. Once I've finished the new stories I'll continue this one. If you'd like you can check them out too.I appreciate it,thank you for your time.>

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