Chapter 23

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The trotting of horses resonated through his ears,is she going to be fine?

*The outspread of rumors didn't fail to reach the Duke's ears.Yet despite all that here we are heading to the gathering.Estelle.I'm here.*

He glanced at the figure of his sister staring outside,enjoying the scene.Their matching blue outfits made him grin a bit,he didn't like blue,but she did.Oh how he wish to ask her of what actually happened. But the mood was nice,too nice to be ruined.

"How's you voice doing?" He asked,hoping he didn't trigger a flag.

"Good,it got better over the week."She replied with a smile,but it was directed to him.

"Glad to about your..uhm.."

"I'm fine Elli,I'm not a fool to swayed by rumors and yes,the fatigue faded...for now.Plus if anything goes wrong," She turned towards him,now she rested her chin on her palm which was also sitting on her lap,"I have m trustworthy escort to save the day." She bloomed with positivity.This time she told Mia to arrange her hair like a Rosette Tieback,it went flawless.

*Angel...! An angel I tell you!*The once frail girl he knew seemed to have slowly died out,a part of him was glad,but a part of him still held the burden.He clenched his fist,making a proud smile.The wagon stopped. They've arrived. Elios,the gentleman got out and offered Estelle his hand,being the lady she is,she took it.

They were guided to the back garden where the gathering was held.Noblemen and women were chattering,some looking at them,some at each other. Whispers were heard about Estelle and her brother.None were quite entertaining.The same batch of topic. 

"Welcome Duchess Zade! I humbly thank you for attending my gathering." A brunette came walking down to her.

*"Duchess Zade"? How bold.So this is Lady Yvonne.What was her first name again? Oh right. Abigail Yvonne.* 

"Greetings Lady Yvonne.I too,must thank you for inviting me to this splendid gathering.It seems beautifully arranged. "

"You flatter me Duchess.I simply persuade my father and he agreed right away for me to host one."Abigail covered her smile with her laced fan,she then closed it and sighed.

"My,my.I wonder if father is spoiling me too much." Right on the nail.Family matters were sensitive to Estelle,but she was also a Lady.

"It's because he adores you,Lady Yvonne.No parent in the world would not love their child." She formed a business smile.

"Of course! Last week,the Viscount ordered a pearl necklace from the eastern coast exclusively for her!I envy you Miss." A Lady with a green dress added.

"Oh dear,at this rate I fear if he knows his bounds."Chuckled the daughter.

"Moreover,I've heard about Duchess visiting her estate too! How were things?" Abigail removed her fan and gave a dry smile at Estelle.Her bronze eyes waiting for a reaction.

*You sly vixen.*

"Things were normal.I had a good time."She simply replied,she wasn't lying.She did have a good time when her husband came for her,for her solely.

"Is that so..?I heard that the house was in an uproar and the Marquess threw a fit."

"Lady Yvonne,I believe the Viscount has indeed sweetened you too much.For you to go so far to believe such baseless talks."Estelle seemed to gracefully tower over the ladies at Abigail's side.

"I apologize,I overstepped my boundaries.But it was confirmed he did threw a fit?Even my father was talking about it."

"If it was confirmed are you confessing that your house placed a spy against mine?" Elios stepped in,gently placing his right and on Estelle's shoulder.

"Elli..I thought you were having a conversation with the others."

"Pfft.Stelle really needs to be looked out for huh? What kind of gathering would it be when I can't enjoy it with my dearest star!" He hugged Estelle,who gave out a genuine laugh. Elios then menaced Abigail.

"I think I should investigate House Yvonne?" Estelle slowly let Elios approach the host,she trembled.

"Elli,help me greet the others too will you? I can't be stalled ,now can I?" Elios nodded in surrender.But not naive little Abigail.

"To think the Duchess is having incest.How will the Duke think of this?DISGRACEFUL!" Abigail almost let out a wicked chuckle,turning all the eyes towards the two blondes. 

"Abigail Yvonne!"Elios darted towards her but was stopped by Estelle,she pulled her index finger towards her mouth.Making a "shh" sign,she stepped towards Abigail.


The brunette's hairdo came lose,colorful flower pins plummeted onto the grass,one butler came rushing but was halted by Elios.

"How dare you..!" A nobleman protested.

"She was kind enough to invite an incest to a social gathering and this is how you treat her?! Where did you learn manners?"

*Ha,things are in my favor,Duchess.*


*This is hurting my precious ears.* Estelle set a swirling fire across the grass,none were burn.But it was enough to silence the parrots.

"Me.Disgraceful?Me.Shameless?Me.An incest?I dare those who spouted such words to come out of your rabbit hole....Right!Hahaha.How could I forget...the root of the problem." She stared at the lying brunette,soft strands of her blonde hair danced as the wind blew.Creating silence in the garden.

"I demand you to get out of here-"


"You? A lowly daughter of a Viscount? Demanding me?  Ha! Don't make me laugh.
Let's see, from this small amount of time we've conversed, the information you gave me were intriguingly boring. You're a slut for rumors indeed Lady Yvonne.
Incest? To even utter a word, the person themselves must be having such a disgusting fantasy herself. " 

Estelle leaned further down and scoffed.

"You not only insult a Duchess but also the future Marquess Cards. My brother and I have no such relationship. Shameless? Since when did you had shame? Siding with the person who has no solid evidence but repeating floating words.

Right, Lady Yvonne. You were soon to be engaged right? The audacity of you to go to Red Light District before your engagement. Maybe you are a real slut. My,I pity the man who'd share vows with you."

Abigail looked at Estelle,speechless,petrified and scared.She wanted to testify that it was wrong.She went there in order to obtain information about Estelle,not to be backfired. The crowd took her silence as an agreement.The brunette could do nothing but grasp the grass.

"Also,if I were you.I'd stop being spoiled.Viscount Yvonne's business relies on trading fabrics,at this rate I wonder if it'll be enough to feed the family,let alone the servants." Estelle dropped plain handkerchief on Abigail's face,she turned to the crowd and smirked.

"There you have Ladies and Gentlemen.Solid facts."A menacing aura of dusk.Elios,held her hand and gave them the look of death.A threatening aura of waves.

These siblings were not to mess with. 

*Abigail Yvonne had it coming.But I can't let it slide like this.As her brother,I need to do my part.*

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