Chapter 40

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Why is the world different for each person?


"Count, I do hope that your plan will succeed." Abigail scoffed as she placed her mask down while staring that the curious crowd of aristocracy. 

"I'm simply lending you a hand on degrading the Duchess' influence." The Count sat down and relaxed his shoulders. 

"Though I am curious for why you would go to such lengths just to destroy her reputation." He asked. Making the brunette flinch a bit, surely she wasted almost all her life trying to nurture and be nurtured into the 'perfect' lady which society's men will bat an eye on. But she never understood why .

"I simply want the aristocratic faction to gain more power Count Zeak. Same as you, I have my own dreams." the Count smiled and spoke nothing. Approving that they're both stepping stones for each other to cross the lake, they allowed silence to coat the air.

Soon late during the middle of the gathering, the main 'guests' made their entrance. But it was not the invited ones.

"Oh dear, wasn't the Duchess suppose to come?" said a nobleman.

"And why is Lord Cards here too?" asked another lady.

"Lady Octivus! What a rare sight it is, may you have came on her behalf? And you bring two more guests..." Abigail smiled as the pink-haired Lady stood still.

"Don't be so stiff My Lady," Elios offered his hand, "the party had just started." Canaria stood beside her master, as frail as she seemed, she tried her best not to upset her Lady. After all, she was acknowledged by two of the most powerful nobles.

*Right...there's nothing to be afraid of!*

"Greetings Lord Cards, what business do you have here?" The Count greeted, trying to figure why exactly rivaled siblings would go cooperate so smoothly.

"Why it certainly is my business while my House is also involved." Elios smirked.

"Truly embarrassing that the host has offended a member of the Cards." He added as Rachel looked at him, she heard of the events but never thought that he would go this far. Maybe it was because the path of heredity was sitting on the line.

"Lord Cards I know you care for your sister, but she is a member of the Zade's which means your ties to her have weakened-"

"I detest people who doesn't know the full story Count, moreover I find it funny on low your service of information could get." Rachel stepped in, making the crowd go silent. It was a rare occasion indeed. 

Rachel Octivus was never seen at any gatherings or banquets until the Duchess came to light. It was a conclusion that she wanted to have ties with the Duchess, others say that she was inspired by the Duchess. Whichever way you look, the ending doesn't change.

"Enough chit-chat, I rather have some reports that you've sabotaged the Yvonne name, Lady Octivus." with that the favor went back to the brunette.

Rachel had a strange appearance, she had straight, silky pink hair with indigo eyes and pale skin. Making her a victim to high ranking ladies.

"Indeed, that is why exactly why I have prove that you have sabotaged two houses of the aristocracy." Soon after a servant carrying a sack walked in.

Rachel gestured her hand for the brunette to open it but she was hesitant.

"A bunch of letters are proof that all this was a false alarm?"  the Count stepped in, defending the problem to rise more, this ticked off Elios.

"Count, this isn't a matter between an influencer of trades, this is an issue of Houses which will later on have the chance to change the Empire itself-" Estelle had warned him not to spout anything out of emotions, but there he couldn't control himself and made a huge mistake.

"Lord Cards...I, myself is a merchant born from a Baron, I promoted myself to a Count by joining Houses and influencing the people. Yet you say it's not a matter of trades? How hilarious. And-"

"No one told you to interrupt his speech Count, if I may...!" Rachel kicked the sack, letters rained all over the dance floor as gasps were passed onto one another. 

"Go ahead and re-do your research Lady Yvonne. Oh and you may keep them as a charm too." Rachel smirked as the brunette clenched her dress.

"By any means are these counterfeit like the fabrics you provided too? I heard you found yourself a herbal witch on your way to Schelias, by what means do you think I'll back down?"

*From the start we knew this was going to fail, but we have to let us give some hints so that the next time, there'll be little to no counters.*


"Lady. Yvonne! How dare you speak ill of my physician?!" Whispers ran through the hall.

*That wasn't the information I was given!*

"Physician...? A woman dressed like that?!" She pointed to Canaria who glanced back at her.


"See? Such a ragged-"

"I am personally assigned to take care and look after my Miss at all costs, th-therefore, I am appointed as her personal physician and maid!" Canaria confirmed as she bowed her head, her head was spinning with all the commotion.

"Lady Yvonne..." mumbles kept running through the ballroom.


"I thought it was a party gathering! Why all this bothersome talks again?" Everyone in the ballroom was shocked to see who arrived at the entrance of the gathering.

"C...Crown Prince...?"

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