Chapter 29

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'You live for her.So it's normal to die for her.'


'Good,now enter...'


"Duchess Estelle!What an honor it is to see you attending." The star of the banquet came forth to the lonely rose. Estelle curtsied and greeted him back.

"Why greetings Count Zeak. Congratulations on your debut." Her silky dress flowed as she straightened her back.

"Would you like to have a dance?" He offered.

"I'll have to kindly refuse this time." She paused his hand with her palm. Dancing with another man was permitted,but not if he's your first. The Duke was rather busy disputing his thoughts and facts to the other nobles,leaving the red turn blue to others.

"Do you see that lady in the red dress? " 


"Don't be foolish." The brunette handed the petite little girl a glass of juice.

"Do what you must and be useful for once." She then covered her wicked smile with her fan.

*I'm sorry.*




"Are you alright my dear?" The blonde lady bent to the petite girl. The girl was of hair rich as platinum and her eyes shone with amber of the western mines. But her dress was of nothing but a plain purple dress.

"Estelle! What's wrong? I heard the commotion and-" Augustus stopped in his tracks seeing his wife bend down to a child. Bewildered as she was,he bent down too. 

"Are you hurt?" He took Estelle's hand and examined it,luckily for his rage,she was okay.

"I'm fine...August." Tracing back to what she announced at their engagement party she had no choice but to use a nickname she made up with heist. 

"O-oh..uh...very well.I shall send word for Leo to send another dress." He stood up with a smile.

"Come my dear." Estelle reached for the platinum blonde girl but she shifted further. 

*I can't blame her.Anyone would be scared to face the wife of such a scary aristocrat. But I doubt what she did was on purpose.* 

Estelle peeked through the girl's mind,but to her shock.She found herself trapped ; unable to read her mind,Estelle gently grabbed the girl's hand and swooshed her up to her chest. She embraced the little rabbit.

"Come,let me tend to you.August,sweetie." Estelle turned to Augustus and genuinely smiled.


*Oh dear Yggdrasil, why does his flaw have to acting?* 

"I'll see you after I look after her." 

"A-ah..." Estelle giggled and headed to the waiting room.

The nobles at the scenario were spreading flyers without wasting papers,some were spilling the romance between the couple,some were filling in that the Duchess was a saint,most were convinced that the Duke had certainly changed.

But all were shocked.

"Duke Zade! I never thought that she would be so tender towards you.I guess the rumors were true after all!" Augustus stiffened at the sight of the man.

"Why thank you Count Zeak."

"I wish I could've heard her play before she always...she's truly caring." Augustus despised the look of the new Count.He disliked it,for he knew it too well.

The face of man madly in love.


"Celebrate my friend! You are lucky man.Although I wish she would play it for me one last time,she is now yours.Treat her well." Felix raised his glass and returned to converse with Marquess Willis.

 *For him? What did she play for him? And why did she suddenly turn sweet? Although I don't dislike it.*


'What are you?'

'I am...'


"Oh,I'm sorry. I'm not quite familiar with medicine."

*And I can't use my magic to heal her. Though I do have the basics of healing,if it gets worse it'll be hard for her to endure.* 

"I-it..-it's okay..." The girl pulled away.

An awkward silence coated the room. Until the person who created it decided to broke it.

"I...I deeply apologize...f-for the spill..." 

"Do not fret. This is just a dress,it can be washed. But your hand is more precious. It's a part of you isn't it? Now come my dear. " Estelle offered her hand with a warm smile. 

Tears started to form from the petite girl's eyes,she then silently cried,clutching her hand to her chest.On that plain purple dress,with those small hands,but her cries were far from her age.

Estelle knew what happened to her,she knew too much.Estelle hugged the little girl and hummed a lullaby. Song of the Isles. The platinum blonde stopped crying. Estelle was reminded of her teacher's robes when she saw her hair and the amber eyes.The ember eyes made her recalled the autumns she spent with Jane. 

"Are you feeling better now?" She asked as she stroked the girl's head.


"Alright Alissa.How are you feeling right now?" 

No answer from the girl,seems like she fell asleep. Being the person Estelle was,she decided to take Alissa home. Questions filled her head as she headed back early.

"Oh my,who is that girl?" 

"Read the situation dumbass." 

"Huh?  Mia? Whaaaaat?!"


'Who do you live for?'

'My sister...'

'Good.And one more time.What are you?'

'A useless child.'

*Take me...out of here...*

'Throw her in the fire.She was born a sacrifice,so she will die a sacrifice.'

*No please.*

'You survived? Tch. Like a witch that hair of yours never stay the same.'

*I'm sorry.*

'Be useful for once.'

*I'm sorry.*

'Are you alright my dear?'


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