Chapter 10

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*Where am I?...Mother is that you?!...where are you going?Mother? Why are you crying....wait...don't take another step if you do you'll-!! Mother....*

"I heard that she took her own life,the poor Marchioness.But Lady Estelle,I hope you won't be affected by your mother's actions...I pray for you.If you would like you may visit anytime."

<A/N : So basically,the noble man is already calling her "Lady Estelle" which means he's certain that she will inherit the title of Marquess.He's eyeing on her process,ready to strip her off of her title.>

"Impudent,can't you write a proper sentence?My,I worry for the future of this household.Especially one who is a bastard."

*Please not another beating...*

"Is she not the illegitimate child?"

*I'm sorry....Forgive me...*

"Hushh,you very well know that the Marquess didn't dislike her mother."

*Keep it Teacher'll be alright...keep it in.*

"But then why did he have a son with the Count's daughter."

"Who knows?Well,I pity that child. Given her age and to go through all this."

"But she's a strange one,in fact.When I mentioned her mother she simply smiled and dodged the subject."

*Shut up...*

"Does she not feel anything at all?I saw her use magic once,that was so unpleasant.She's a monster I tell you."

*Just shut the fuck up!*

Estelle sat up,she felt tears rolled down her cheeks,she touched them.Feeling the despair and anger of her past,she stopped herself from crying.It was useless.Her teardrops kept flowing out of her eyes as she clutched her head and hid her face among the snow-white blankets,painting them with her past.

She didn't let out a sound.Not even a sigh nor a sob. Estelle recalled what was supposed to hidden deep in her heart.But then she remembered,it's better not to have one.

A knock came from her bedroom,she was hoping to see Lillian who would rush to her side but it was none other than Leo. Leo who witnessed his Lady crying gritted his teeth,as he could not do anything but set the tray on her vanity.He took out a handkerchief and handed it to her.

"I am sorry you had to face that,My Lady." Estelle refused to accept his pity so she wiped off her tears and coldly spoke.

"I don't need your pity.I don't need your kindness.And most of all,I don't need you." Leo expected this outcome but he still was wounded.But he knew,Estelle wouldn't feel emotional pain anymore.

"It has been exactly 3 days since you've seen daylight,would you care for a small walk My Lady?" The best way to avoid an awkward situation is to attack with a question.Leo opened the curtains,revealing a luminousness scene.

"At this hour? Ha! Despite daylight,you can already bring out the telescope instead."Estelle scoffed as she viewed the night sky filled with dazzling stars.

"I'm surprised that I'm not dead.... I suppose you interfered?" She asked.

"I'm afraid,even if I was ordered not to I couldn't let Hestia's child meet her end like that."Leo smiled softly.Estelle,who was just on the verge of tears,let out a sigh followed by tears. Leo watched in silence.The moonlight radiating her blonde hair made it seem as she was a fairy that descended from the heavens...a weeping angel,perhaps? Estelle wiped her tears again and she faced Leo.

"Before I question who you are and how you ended up here. I would like a brief explanation."

"I would have given that out,but I am obliged to explain it when My Lady fully recovers."Leo stated as he went to brew tea for Estelle. The scent of the tea filled the room,it was soothing and calm,but if handled wrongly,it could be lethal.

"Some chamomile tea I presume? It's a familiar scent,did you add honey or lemongrass?" Estelle asked. Leo showed a surprised smile and went back to brewing.He sat down next to her bed and handed her the teacup.Estelle sightly smiled when she saw a Chamomile flower in the warm tea.

"I am surprised that you know the ingredients to it,My Lady."Estelle wanted to tell him of how much her teacher had taught her,but she couldn't she simply smiled and let it slide.

"It will help put you to sleep,My Lady.If anything is needed,please clearly summon my name." Leo pleaded as he gave Estelle a black pendant.

"Where's the other half?" She stupidly asked.

"It is in My Lord's.I am here to protect my dear masters and forever serve this household,My Lady."Leo bowed as he was about to leave.

"Do you wish for freedom?I understand that loyalty is a must for each butler,but.."

"If my desires affect My Lord's actions,I'm afraid that I'll end up like a certain maid..." Leo knew he shouldn't have said that,because Estelle made a face of a string-less puppet. 

"Lillian wished for freedom,SO WHAT?! Why did she have to die?!"she roared as she flung the teacup across the room. Estelle hated it,she hated the fact that her most loyal maid was a traitor.She didn't want to admit it.She wouldn't accept it.

"My Lady....please be careful.What if you got hurt?"

"Is that what I'm trying to say Leo?!" She resentfully glared at Leo,who was petrified by her stare,but he managed to calm down.He had to.

"My Lady,emitting mana at this state is not a good idea.And I deeply apologize,but please get some rest.I will thoroughly explain at dawn." Leo bowed as he dismissed the lifelessness from her eyes,putting her back to slumber.He closed the curtains and went to his room after cleaning up the mess she made.

*So you can get angry,but is that all you've been bottling up?I thought I closed the gap between us,that time in the carriage,was truly an uncommon time for the both of us.I hope there will be a day where I can see My Lady smile as bright as the summer sun.And hope the rain clouds clear up fast.*  

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