Chapter 21

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She sat on the bed,looking the doorway.She was about to doze off into a nice sleep,she was about to relax.But there was one thing in the way.The Duke.

*Why is he in this room?I thought I was to spend my night here in this vacant room.ALONE!!!*Augustus looked around the room and nodded,she didn't understand.Was he placing more surveillance? 

"Well then,Your Grace,have a good night." She just uttered those words rashly,hoping for him to leave.But he didn't.

Just what did I do in my previous life to deserve this? Please just leave!*

"I can't.You don't have any guards here." He firmly folded his arms and sat on the window seat.

*You can just place a barrier and leave?!?Plus this is the Duke's estate.What kind of mongrel would come?Have you lost your mind?!*

"Thank you for your concern but even a fool wouldn't come here to infiltrate."Estelle tried her best to put up with a smile,but it was slowly twitching. 

"Right...but I can't leave." Augustus stated with a poker face.Estelle sighed,giving up on persuading him.Even though she faced her back to him she could see his glorious smile. She turned his way,his lips were still,but his eyes were indeed smiling.Is it that he won't leave or can't leave? Looking at Estelle's bothered face,Augustus wanted to laugh,but he suppressed it.

*So she can make faces like that lovely...I think I've done enough for tonight.*


"Do you....make faces like that in front of others too?" He whispered to his companion,but unluckily she was panicking in her own thoughts.


"Nothing..."He muttered as he walked towards the door.His desires devouring him was troublesome.He wanted her to stop him from leaving,however,he knew she wouldn't. Disappointed with himself,he left the room and teleported to his own.

Estelle was left in a state of confusion.She seriously had no idea what he was thinking,but she didn't want to think now.She wanted to rest.She took off her dress,leaving her in her undergarments.She loosened some back strings so she she could twist and turn.Just as she was about to relax,a strong urge came upon her.It was sickening.She rapidly sat up and rushed towards the window.But her legs gave out and she fell halfway.

*Why now....?!* She coughed ounces of blood,her vision went fuzzy.She could barely make out how much blood was on her hand,but she felt it.It was drenched.Faint footsteps came darting to her direction.The figure held her tight and lifted her back to the bed.She could feel it's broad chest against her weak body.She greatly resented why the effects of Dartius showed up now. Vague but vividly,the person holding her up was a man.However,she could barely make out his words.


*Lucius...?* The star fainted into darkness.

When Estelle woke up she felt a strong aura on her right.She titled her head to see a man with short black hair,which was neatly trimmed but now,it looked like a mess.She moved a little,and he bolted up.His shirt was unbuttoned to his chest,she could faintly see lines of his abs,she was sure,the shirt was black as the night sky looming over them.The sky was dark,empty and vast.Only small shades of the lonely moon passed the through the window.

One thing was for sure.He was not Lucius.

"I thought I told you to drink the medicine after every dinner." Ahh yes,it was that person.She giggled weakly.It wasn't best for the situation but it was all that came out of her dry lips.She truly resented Dartius.It made her weak.It made her frail.It made her useless.But a warm hand reminded her that someone was there for her.

'No matter how lonely life gets,I'm sure love is always present.I'm sure of it.Maybe it's faint,maybe it's strong.But it 's real.It's hard to identify it because it comes in different shapes and sizes.So no matter how much the world rejects you,you can't seem to leave because there is always someone who accepts you.When you find them,don't let them go.' A sad smile uttered.

Lucius's words flashed into Estelle's mind,she felt relieved.Because there was a warm,strong hand embracing her with his gentleness.She held it back.Augustus was surprised,he saw her shedding a tear,he knew it didn't pain her,but it pained him.He intertwined his fingers in hers,they were slim,pretty and frail.He thought that not wiping it was best.Although he knew she let a part of her go,he still wanted to comfort her.

"I'm glad I jarred a spell here before I left.When it went off I rushed back.I thought "Ah,indeed there is a fool who'd come to infiltrate." How hilarious...I came back only to find you struggling again.Next time,don't skip taking the medicine.Ha...I'm rather chatty today..." He explained as he sat back up,still holding hands. 

"Right..the case with Baron Zeak,I ordered your former maid and her son to cooperate.I think you already know how I did it."He tried to give her some humor but she just smiled.

"Sleep tight Estelle." He leaned forward as her eyes gave out.Soft and tender lips kissed her forehead while he bid her goodnight.Somehow,she was fond of it.Maybe she decided not to make a fuss out of it tomorrow.

Maybe...just maybe... 

<Why hello again.It may be late but I think I'm  just in time UwU.Happy Thadingyut.I hope you like my drawing,forgive me for procrastinating U_U>

I hope you like my drawing,forgive me for procrastinating U_U>

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

A Midsummer Breezeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें