Chapter 7

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The chimes of morning birds were disrupted by Estelle opening her window,she breathed in a fresh amount of clean air and sighed out with a smile.It has arrived.Today's the day.She would finally break the leash with the Cards. She leisurely stretched her arms and called out for Lillian and the younger maids.

"Yes?My Lady." Lillian entered,finding her master in great spirits.But the maid was not.For years she had faithfully stayed by her master's side and it pained her to see Estelle going away with a joyous smile,despite the occasion being "joyous".

"Lillian,help me put on my gown and get your baggage ready,Red will help me with my hair for today."Estelle warmly smiled.Lillian was stunned at this news,she wanted to ask but did not want to ruin her master's mood so she slightly bowed and followed her humble lady's "request".

"You rather seem bright today My Lady." Red complimented.Estelle was physically enjoying the herbal bath that seeped through her scars and soothed her hair. 

"Why is indeed a lovely day..."Estelle lost track of her words.

*"Lovely day"?Pfft. Who am I kidding? I have a hunch that the Duke's household is going to break my limbs further.At least on the bright side,I'll get to live with a little freedom.I is foolish for me to yearn for freedom,I would've followed my mother if it weren't for.....* 

"dy...My Lady!" Estelle's thoughts were interrupted.Red was nervously smiling holding up a bottle of perfume.

"You did well Red.Now It's time to put on the dress,shall we?" Red nodded and followed the Lady.

"No,not that one.Anything but that color."Estelle loved the color maroon,it was the color of her late mother's curly locks.She would only wear maroon outfits on occasions which she find enjoying and charming.Unfortunately,she never had the chance to.

"No...It should be...Yes!Bring me a blue dress,any blue dress." Estelle told Red and the young maids.They obediently agreed and went in search for a blue gown.

*Blue would suffice the gossiping nobles.He has my loyalty and respect,but not my trust.That is all this marriage is about.I wish when will I wear the maroon is different,it is not a gown nor a suit.It is similar to her outfit....yet different...Mother....just who were you..and why did you leave?*

That morning Estelle had the last breakfast with the Cards as she greeted her family she departed into the Duke's carriage,escorted by Leo.And off they went.In the carriage a intimidating conversation entertained them.

"My Lady,as we have spoke yesterday.The Duke would like to refrain from any personal contact with My Lady." Leo comfortably spoke.Estelle sighed and replied.

"Leo,I am not interested in such trivial matters,personal contact,emotions and chasing are nothing but a waste of my time.The only matter I'm interested in, is not getting in the Duke's way and avoiding ....problems... if possible.But what intrigues me more is why the Duke chose me."

Leo softly chuckled. "Pardon me My Lady but,what would a lowly butler know?" Estelle knew he was lying but she didn't care anymore.

"My Lady,are the wounds fixed?" Estelle quickly glared at Leo,shocked at how he knew that her body was actually covered in wounds.

*But the spell should've-*

"Leo," now she realizes it,"you aren't human are you?" Estelle's emerald eyes shifted into a dark,frightening teal shade as she stared deep into him.Leo's round pupils now shows diamond-like irises as he grinned proudly.Instead of being scared,Estelle felt comfortable and excitement running through her veins.

*It's been a long time since I've been riled up.* They exchanged smirks and the atmosphere went back to how it was before.

"Now,I would like to keep this a secret from the Duke,surely he wouldn't mind would he?" Leo suggested first.Estelle was now beyond shock.A butler of a high household keeping such a secret from his master?!

" seem to have the wrong idea My Lady,My Lord knows about my capabilities.I'm referring to My Lady's." Leo's eyes reverted back to the round,calm violet irises.

"You seem to be from the forest too.Am I right?" Estelle questioned as she slowly let her guard down,but still glared at Leo.

"You are not wrong,My Lady.Judging from how you've spoken I guess My Lady's mother is also from the forest?" Leo questioned.Estelle's eyes dropped.

"No...she is not.I do not like talking about my mother.She is a Count's daughter,moreover if she were-"

"I meant your mother My Lady."Leo intensely wanted an answer.

"You could say."Estelle didn't want to say out loud that she didn't know her mother all that well.She didn't know anything about her at all.She disliked that fact that she learnt about her mother though someone else.

"You deeply remind me of someone back in the forest,Leo,different,yet somewhat similar."

*You remind of Jane a lot. Maybe it's your appearance but somehow your personalities seems to linked in a way.I wonder,I should visit Jane sometimes...after all we both are waiting for our dearest person...*

"I do not have many..people..I call close in the forest,My Lady.Now.."the carriage came to a stop and Leo reached his hand out to Estelle as he descended.

"Now My Lady,Welcome to the Zade's household." Never have Estelle seen such luxurious constructions. Two Buildings connected to each other leading to the main household. Something in Estelle clicked.She felt a strong desire to enter quickly. Although her household was of Marquess,the Duke's estate is indeed far better,on the outside that is.

*Am I...excited..?I feel something unfamiliar,it's like I want to..*Leo chuckled at his future Mistress.

"I shall tour you around within this week before the engagement party,My Lady." Estelle took Leo's hand and mentioned how keen his magic senses are and he should stop at a point. Lillian slightly nodded and Leo just laughed back.He neither agreed nor disagreed.

The Duke was staring at Leo and Estelle from his study.His winter eyes were fixated on her,he felt uneasy at who he was looking.

*That?That was what sent me a letter of such perfect balance? Even mages struggle to do that and yet...Very well. You have my curiosity,wife.*  

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