Chapter 20

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The time has finally arrived.Estelle,at the very least,was only focusing on her establishment.If,by any chance,they were to divorce,she would have no back-up.Moreover,she'd be slander countless times.So she thought of making money for herself and if possible,it could be beneficial for the Zade's household. 

On the other hand,Augustus was dithering his actions in the carriage.No matter how much emotion he felt,he should've kept it hidden.He felt ashamed for showing out his frustration and thought of apologizing to her once dinner was over.Dinner tonight,wasn't enjoyable for neither of them.

The two nobles didn't utter a single word on their way to the study.Until Leo came out,suppressing his grin.

"Oh greetings,My Lord." Leo bowed.He continued as he faced Estelle.

"My Lady too." he bowed again,"I'm afraid that the study is a complete mess,I recently checked before dinner.Pardon my carelessness but oh my!I just couldn't let it slide so I ordered the maids to tidy and organize it,My Lord." Leo placed his left hand on his cheek and faked a sigh.

<Boi  U_U  >

Augustus tried his best to control his urge to squeeze the life of this living lemon,but he decided that Estelle's request was far more important than lecturing his calculative butler

"...Very well...Estelle,come with me." Augustus gestured as he headed towards his room.Leo,who was staring at their backs made a proud,mischievous grin.

"If this goes wrong..."a deadly aura came behind him,"I will put you in a psionic loop for two days."

"Miss seem to have forgotten that my plans rarely fail."Leo smirked again,despite being frightened.

"Ha! The previous miserably did though? And don't think I'm sly cat." She gave him a glare,he looked away. From afar the color of their hair synced like how their past was.But their actions strayed from similar.

*This isn't just for the Miss and the Master...I can't blame him....the suffocation of wanting see truly destructive...hey long has it been..?*

Estelle sat on the sofa,she was relived that the Duke didn't abide to Leo's schemes.

"I apologize.When I return I'll make sure to straighten him."It wasn't what he mainly wanted to apologize on but he said as he pulled out a book carved with lotuses.He didn't remember having it.He sat down opposite of Estelle and placed the book in front of them.He questioned what the matter she wanted to talk about was.

"If possible.I would like to teach at the Igrisal Academy." The Duke jolted up.

"Igrisal...Aca..demy..?ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!"he roared.

"Your Grace,please respect your surroundings,even if it's your home,this is still the library.And I think I'm pretty sane,Your Grace."She firmly replied. 

"This is no joke Estelle."

"No,no it is not.I'm quite serious that I want to teach there.I want to prove my worth."He slowly sat down,he didn't want to agree to her request.So he didn't.

"I refuse."

"Your Grace-"

"I REFUSE.This is out of the question!"

"It won't be if you let me try!" She desperately argued back. Augustus despised her determination.

"You know women can't teach."

"It's not that women can't teach! "Estelle reached for the book,"It's that we're not allowed to teach."She opened the book which showed a figure of a woman with long red robes holding a pipe.

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